5 ways to naturally curb your appetite (slideshow)

If you walk down the supermarket aisle that displays “diet” foods, you’ll find bars, shakes, powders and an array of other processed foods that are supposed to help you lose weight. They’re low-this, low-that, high-priced and claim to help suppress your appetite.

But commercial appetite suppressants can be dangerous. Remember ephedra? During ephedra’s heyday, desperate dieters experienced adverse side effects such as stroke, heart attack and in some cases, even death. Unfortunately, hypertension is a common effect of many diet suppressants.

Other side effects common for appetite suppressants include dry mouth which can lead to increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease (now linked to esophageal cancer), and psychological or physical dependence.

There’s got to be a better way, right? Here are few natural appetite suppressants that can help you safely and effectively curb your appetite.

Easy Health Options Staff

By Easy Health Options Staff

Submitted by the staff at Easy Health Options®.