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When eating a banana is a bad idea

When eating a banana is a bad idea

Americans could really afford to increase our uptake of fruits, especially those containing flavanols that support brain, heart and blood vessel health. But the one fruit that surveys say is our favorite can undo all of that. Here’s when to avoid eating it…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst


Why poor balance is a sure sign of a shorter life

Why poor balance is a sure sign of a shorter life

If you don’t use it, you lose it as you age, specifically muscle strength and flexibility. But balance may not be something you give much thought to, at least not its impact on how long you live or how early you die. Here’s a test than can answer that for you…

Joyce Hollman


Food and drugs that harm your ‘memory’ transmitter

Food and drugs that harm your ‘memory’ transmitter

Researchers have found that in patients with Alzheimer’s, a neurotransmitter involved in memory and learning, called acetylcholine, gets depleted. If that could be avoided, could cognitive decline? Thankfully, a few simple changes could keep that from happening.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst


3 health conditions that steal your testosterone

3 health conditions that steal your testosterone

Studies show that testosterone levels in men have been declining for decades. If you’re a man between 45 and 65, odds are your T levels don’t measure up to your dad’s. But why? Well, as three specific health conditions rose, T levels tanked, and there’s a definite connection…

Virginia Tims-Lawson


When alcohol sets women up for heart disease

When alcohol sets women up for heart disease

Far too many women still believe dangerous myths when it comes to heart disease, like it being an issue that mainly impacts men. The truth is it’s the #1 killer of women in the U.S. And your personal risk can be far higher depending on your drinking habits…

Virginia Tims-Lawson


Easing chronic pain the drug-free way

Easing chronic pain the drug-free way

Doctors admit relieving chronic pain leaves them baffled. Often the pills don’t even work or their sides effects can be intolerable. If that’s where you are, a surprisingly simple answer might take a little time, but has been shown to work for thousands of people…

Carolyn Gretton


Common medications that increase migraine risk by 70%

Common medications that increase migraine risk by 70%

Migraines are like headaches on steroids. Bigger and badder. Treatment typically requires serious medication. But ironically, some medications for another very common condition can give anyone up to a 70 percent greater chance of suffering migraine.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst


The longevity debate: To run or not to run

The longevity debate: To run or not to run

There have been questions about whether running long distances is good for your health or not. Some data shows it could induce a heart attack but some says it lowers risk of death in general. If you’re on the edge, the longevity debate may settle it for you…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst


Cheap supplements that payout big for an aging brain

Cheap supplements that payout big for an aging brain

Your gut is almost a universe unto itself, populated by trillions of microbes that help keep it and your whole body healthy and balanced. Keeping it nourished can have an especially big payout for an aging brain, without putting a dent in your wallet…

Carolyn Gretton


The at-home test that determines heart attack risk in minutes

The at-home test that determines heart attack risk in minutes

Someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds in the U.S. We know what the risks are. But how do your personal risks add up? You see your doctor once a year, but is that enough to avoid the number one killer of men and women in this country?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst


The conversation clue that signals cognitive decline

The conversation clue that signals cognitive decline

Who hasn’t had a little trouble sharing some particulars in a conversation? Maybe you lose your train of thought. Maybe you can’t find the word you’re looking for. Surprisingly, neither of these signal cognitive decline like this conversation clue…

Joyce Hollman


The low-fat answer to lung cancer, even for smokers

The low-fat answer to lung cancer, even for smokers

Diet has long been proven to make a huge difference, not only in matters like weight, but in disease risk. And one component, fat, gets the most attention. No wonder. When your choice of fat can reduce lung cancer risk, even in smokers, that’s a big deal.

Joyce Hollman


The link between diabetes and silent heart attacks

The link between diabetes and silent heart attacks

The human body is complex. Conditions that may seem unrelated can have connections below the surface, like diabetes and the increased risk for heart problems. And as if it couldn’t get more complex, there’s the “silent heart” attack factor…

Joyce Hollman