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Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Soak up the sun to ramp up your calorie-burning metabolism

Spending time in the sun isn’t just fun and recreational. It’s a great way to power up your health with the sunshine vitamin. But as if you needed one more reason, it turns out catching some rays has quite an advantageous effect on burning fat and calories…

Joyce Hollman

Why poor balance is a sure sign of a shorter life

If you don’t use it, you lose it as you age, specifically muscle strength and flexibility. But balance may not be something you give much thought to, at least not its impact on how long you live or how early you die. Here’s a test than can answer that for you…

Carolyn Gretton

OTC supplement improves walking for people with PAD

Peripheral artery disease is a painful condition that can restrict the ability to walk, due to fatigue and poor blood flow in the legs. But researchers uncovered a vitamin that could counter these debilitating symptoms and help PAD sufferers get on the move again…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What arm fat can tell you about your bone density

Osteoporosis and the risks for hip or spine fractures go way up with age, especially for women. That’s why we succumb to bone scans and try to build up our bones. But you may be surprised what your arms can reveal about your bones (and a disease trigger deep in your belly)…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

3 health conditions that steal your testosterone

Studies show that testosterone levels in men have been declining for decades. If you’re a man between 45 and 65, odds are your T levels don’t measure up to your dad’s. But why? Well, as three specific health conditions rose, T levels tanked, and there’s a definite connection…

Carolyn Gretton

Cheap supplements that payout big for an aging brain

Your gut is almost a universe unto itself, populated by trillions of microbes that help keep it and your whole body healthy and balanced. Keeping it nourished can have an especially big payout for an aging brain, without putting a dent in your wallet…


Joyce Hollman

7 amazing benefits of pterostilbene

If you try to stay on top of your heart, brain and blood sugar health, you’re aware of resveratrol, the polyphenol found in red wine and dark chocolate. But what about its powerful cousin? From blood pressure to calorie burn, you’ll want pterostilbene in your life…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The longevity debate: To run or not to run

There have been questions about whether running long distances is good for your health or not. Some data shows it could induce a heart attack but some says it lowers risk of death in general. If you’re on the edge, the longevity debate may settle it for you…

Joyce Hollman

How to stack the odds against bad genes by 62%

If you’ve inherited a genetic predisposition that could shorten your lifespan, it may feel like the cards are just not in your favor. You might think “game over.” But is it really? A first ever study compared genetics to lifestyle and the findings might blow you away…

Joyce Hollman

The fast health benefits of taking the stairs

Not everyone has the knees to take the stairs. But if you’re able to, you should know it’s the answer to two types of exercise in one and can turn back several factors that add up to metabolic syndrome, heart attack and stroke in just a matter of weeks…

Carolyn Gretton

The thyroid-poisoning additive in popular drinks

When it comes to dangerous food additives, European regulators have a lower threshold for what they consider an acceptable risk. The U.S. may finally catch up, at least when it comes to a thyroid-poisoning ingredient found in drinks more than half the population consumes daily…

Joyce Hollman

Perk of a heart-healthy lifestyle: Slower aging

We have no control over the passage of time. But we do have a lot of control over our physiological age. That means we have a lot of say over our health as we age. In fact, if you’re already taking care of your heart, you may have already slowed your rate of aging…