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Brain Health

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Joyce Hollman

How your blood vessels can accelerate your brain’s age

As we age, our brains age along with all of our other parts. But some people’s brains experience accelerated aging, and research has zeroed in on how their blood vessels could be responsible…

Margaret Cantwell

The vitamin that fights a common contributor of unhealthy aging

Longer lifespans have researchers scrambling for answers on how to keep an aging population healthier. One vitamin has emerged that many experts agree may be useful for several chronic conditions featuring a common denominator afflicting North Americans as we age…

Carolyn Gretton

The scientific reason it really is better to give than receive

Everyone loves giving and getting gifts. But it seems we enjoy gift-giving a bit more. Turns out the old adage “it’s better to give than to receive” is actually true in terms of the response it elicits from your brain…

Carolyn Gretton

Twins help reveal powerful reason diet links to depression

For years, the answer to depression has been drugs that often don’t work and lead to depressing side effects. But an 11-year twin study provides unique insight on food’s strong link to the mood disorder…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The berry boost for a better brain and blood pressure over 65

As you age, you probably tend to worry about the health of two of your most important organs — your brain and your heart. That’s why we’re urged to exercise and eat right. But what if you’re over 65, is it too late? Not for a berry boost…

Joyce Hollman

The risk factors most strongly linked to severe stroke

A mild stroke could be a wake-up call. But a severe stroke changes your life in ways you can’t bounce back from. Before it’s too late, do something about the most important risk linked to severe stroke…


Virginia Tims-Lawson

The macronutrient that improves cognitive function fast

Glitches in cognition are unsettling, even if doctors say not to worry. It’s hard to know what the future holds. But supporting brain health with a macronutrient that’s validated to improve things fast, is easy.

Carolyn Gretton

The diet that slowed aging and reduced dementia risk

Diet is the foundation of heart and metabolic health. But for dementia, the focus has been on how specific nutrients affect the brain. Now, decades of research tells us slowing the body’s pace of aging should be part of the strategy, and the diet that does it…

Joyce Hollman

The bad side of good cholesterol linked to Alzheimer’s in women

Deciphering cholesterol readings can be complex but we all know HDL is the good stuff, or so we thought. For women, menopause can help bring out the bad side of HDL that could lead to the first sign of Alzheimer’s…

Carolyn Gretton

The berry that takes down triglycerides and LDL

It’s America’s favorite berry because we love the taste. Now research shows if you’re having trouble managing your triglyerides and LDL, you have another good reasons to eat them…

Joyce Hollman

Who’s most at risk for skimping on omega-3s?

The essential omega-3 fatty acids have been associated with healthy aging throughout life, helping to promote a healthy-functioning brain and heart. But as important as they are throughout life, they need to be there at the beginninng too…

Carolyn Gretton

Stroke among sour health risks of a sweet tooth

Indulging a sweet tooth occasionally seems harmless. But having a penchant for sweets, especially when sugars hide where we least expect them, can raise several markers for serious trouble, particularly stroke.