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Norovirus: What to know and how to avoid it

You’re probably hearing a lot about the norovirus. We haven’t been hit with anything new, but most people may be more familiar with it as simply the stomach bug.
Norovirus is actually a term for a group of viruses that cause gastroenteritis, or inflammation of the stomach and intestines. It is also commonly referred to as “the stomach flu.”
There are about 2,500 norovirus outbreaks reported annually in the United States. The outbreaks can occur throughout the year but are most common from November to April. It’s not unusual to see surges during the holidays when people gather in close proximity and some may cook and prepare food not yet realizing they are infected.
In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control, most people who think they have food poisoning actually have contracted norovirus from a contagious food handler.
And not only is norovirus highly contagious, it’s everywhere: offices, homes, schools, stores, hospitals, you name the place, it’s likely there.
Causes And Risks Of Norovirus
Anyone who is actively infected can spread norovirus in public areas or at home. It spreads rapidly on hard surfaces like doorknobs, countertops and furniture.
It’s considered a food-borne illness also because it can spread easily through:
- Infected people touching food with feces or vomit on their hands;
- Food being placed on surfaces with tiny drops of feces or vomit;
- Tiny drops of vomit from an infected person spraying through the air and landing on food or surfaces.
Note: If you or someone you know has norovirus, keep in mind that while symptoms can go away in a few days, a person is still contagious for three days after symptoms disappear. Unfortunately, many people who have norovirus feel better and engage in social functions while still contagious.
While the stomach flu is widespread and contagious, those with a strong immune system who wash their hands (I can’t emphasize hand washing enough!) and surfaces (ditto!) regularly are at lower risk. However, adults and children are at greater risk than infants or toddlers.
Uncomfortable Symptoms
Often the norovirus is spreading at the same time as the flu, but symptoms of these two conditions are not the same. As mentioned above, the norovirus is a virus of the gastrointestinal system, so symptoms of this group of viruses include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and stomach cramping (in the upper part of the abdomen). Secondary symptoms include headache, body aches, low fever, chills and fatigue.
Dizziness can be a prominent symptom due to dehydration from vomiting and diarrhea as well as a lack of thirst and upset stomach that limit fluid intake. Dehydration can be a serious problem, so please ensure you are drinking plenty of fluids all day, more so if you are in the vomit/diarrhea stage. Seek medical attention if dizziness persists more than episodically.
Treatment And Prevention
My son got the stomach flu and passed it on to me. Medically, there are no treatments (antivirals or vaccinations) for norovirus-caused gastroenteritis. And, as in the case of the flu, antibiotics do nothing, since those drugs can attack bacterial infections, not viral illness.
On my quest to reduce my symptoms, I worked through several rounds of different foods, beverages and supplements.
I found a few items that worked for me and made my life more bearable.
Food and beverages: A difficulty with food as therapy during a bout of gastroenteritis or norovirus is your aversion to eating. Everything is moving out of the body quickly, in one direction or the other. However, there are measures that help.
For instance, drinking ginger tea is a good way to reduce stomach upset and settle down the nausea and vomiting. You can buy (and have on hand) ginger granules that dissolve in hot water or teabags of green tea with ginger.
I prefer taking a fresh 2-inch piece of ginger root, chopping it up and boiling in 10 ounces of water until the water turns murky. I drain the fluid of particles and pour it into two 4-ounce cups for consumption. I found that taking it twice per day, morning and evening, works well. More than that can irritate the stomach or intestines.
I also kept on hand containers of organic chicken broth and organic vegetable broth. Both are nourishing to the stomach and keep you well hydrated. I heated the broth, poured it into cups, and drank as it if were a warm beverage. When you feel a bit better, you can eat chicken or vegetable soup, avoiding the kinds that are tomato-based.
Once diarrhea and vomiting subsided and appetite returned, the old BRAT diet standby worked well: bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. Low fiber and bland is the name of the game for a short while, especially if you still feel a little nauseous.
For fast relief of stomach upset and heartburn associated with gastroenteritis, fill a teacup with warm (not hot) water and add a tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of organic raw honey. Avoid making the water too hot, as that will kill the live honey, which is good for digestion. The apple cider vinegar helps decrease stomach acid and settles the stomach.
Supplements: Your stomach may not be ready for supplements until the nausea is gone. So when you feel able to “stomach” them, they can be helpful because the immune system is impaired or overworked and the body is losing nutrition from not eating, as well as the expulsion of food and liquids.
I focus on omega-3 fatty acids; a gluten-free, live, whole-food multivitamin; turmeric/curcumin; and a stress formula with the essential B vitamins. Boosting immune function, reducing inflammation and pain, and ingesting live nutrients are essential to lessen symptoms and for faster recovery.
Of course, vitamin D is a must year-round to support your immune system response.
Be On Guard
In the case of norovirus, if someone else is sick, do not touch or kiss him or share food. Be mindful of hard surfaces that contagious people have touched. Wash your hands several times a day, and keep your home and workspace clean and disinfected.
Wash all fruits and vegetables before consuming them; you don’t know if they’ve been handled by someone infected with norovirus.
Prevention is always the best cure. Good hygiene, a strong immune system, ample rest, and a nutritionally dense diet go a long way to protecting you from the stomach flu. And remember, even when symptoms have disappeared, you are still contagious for three days to a week. Be mindful of this when interacting with others.
(This article was updated and republished.)
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