
Joyce Hollman

Is a ‘silent’ food allergy attacking your brain?

Food allergies can be uncomfortable and even life-threatening. But is it possible to have a food allergy and not know? Here’s evidence silent food allergies can cause problematic changes in the brain you might chalk up to something else…

Joyce Hollman

Thunderstorm asthma: What allergy sufferers should know

A lot of us suffer from allergic rhinitis or hay fever. There’s nothing that unique about seasonal allergies, except maybe this: If you have hay fever, you are at risk for a serious event called “thunderstorm asthma,” even if you don’t normally have asthma.

Carolyn Gretton

Allergies in the wintertime: Weather as a trigger

For some people, allergies can be an issue year-round. Even when there’s frost on the ground and no pollen in the air, they’re still dealing with sneezing, runny nose and itchy eyes. One allergy expert points to weather as a possible trigger and what may help…

Jenny Smiechowski

What your itchy skin indicates about your gut

You’ve heard of the gut-brain axis. Well, research shows there’s a gut-skin axis too. That means your gut is constantly communicating with your gut, and your gut is constantly communicating with your skin. In fact, a new study shows exactly why people with skin problems are more likely to have gut problems and vice versa…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 household nasties that make asthma worse

Some experts say asthma has become an epidemic in our country. And once you’ve got it, its symptoms hit you again and again. Luckily, researchers have identified the three bigest asthma culprits lurking in your home that if you can tame, could help you get better control of your symptoms.

Margaret Cantwell

The golden ticket to a fall free of allergy symptoms

If the natural world can throw allergens at us, is it surprising that the answer to taming those allergens is found in nature as well? If anyone understands the concept of balance, it’s Mother Nature. And thanks to these natural allergy relievers, you could enjoy fall without walking around in an antihistamine fog…