Blood Pressure Support

Joyce Hollman

The underrated benefits of stretching that rival strenuous exercise

Most people stretch to warm up cold muscles before they jump into some heavy-duty exercise. But what if stretching IS exercise? Check mark! And even better: what if it reduces arterial stiffness at the same time it reduces stiffness in your body, and helps you live longer?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The red fruit that lowered blood pressure like medication

Like a lot of fruit, often the most nutritional and health-promoting parts are the parts we throw away. When it comes to this unique red fruit, the same is true. But considering it lowered blood pressure as well as a prescription medicine, it warrants learning how to eat the most effective parts…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Are these blood pressure drugs damaging your kidneys?

Most of us don’t think twice when a doctor prescribes blood pressure medication. After all, high blood pressure is dangerous and medication lowers those risks. But is it that simple? It’s time you heard the truth about those drugs and the damage they could be doing to your kidneys…

Margaret Cantwell

What you should know about lead levels and high blood pressure

Exposure to heavy metals comes in many forms. But when it comes to threats we can’t see or put a finger on, it’s easy to put them out of mind. We can’t do that with lead, even at low levels, since researchers have seen how strongly it impacts blood pressure…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

How a car ride raises BP as much as a high-sodium diet

Long-term exposure to air pollution, like that caused by traffic, has been linked to dangerous health conditions, from heart disease to lung cancer. But what about in the short-term? You’ll be shocked at what a single car ride can do to your blood pressure…

Carolyn Gretton

What half an avocado a day does to your blood pressure

Avocados have long been considered a superfood. Yes, they’re high in fat and calories but also contain some valuable nutrition. That’s what caught the attention of researchers looking to put the blood pressure-busting effects of avocados to the test…