Cognitive Decline

Joyce Hollman

7 amazing benefits of pterostilbene

If you try to stay on top of your heart, brain and blood sugar health, you’re aware of resveratrol, the polyphenol found in red wine and dark chocolate. But what about its powerful cousin? From blood pressure to calorie burn, you’ll want pterostilbene in your life…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Food and drugs that harm your ‘memory’ transmitter

Researchers have found that in patients with Alzheimer’s, a neurotransmitter involved in memory and learning, called acetylcholine, gets depleted. If that could be avoided, could cognitive decline? Thankfully, a few simple changes could keep that from happening.

Joyce Hollman

The conversation clue that signals cognitive decline

Who hasn’t had a little trouble sharing some particulars in a conversation? Maybe you lose your train of thought. Maybe you can’t find the word you’re looking for. Surprisingly, neither of these signal cognitive decline like this conversation clue…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Exercise renews the brain’s plaque-fighting cells

We’ve read the research that exercise can boost cognition and prevent brain shrinkage, among other benefits. But what can it do against that scourge of aging marked by those nasty brain plaques? It gives back the fighting power of a youthful brain to eat them away…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Blood work of super-agers reveals what keeps a brain young

Some people’s brains seem to stay young, while for others, the clock speeds by, leaving cognitive decline and brain shrinkage in its wake. Do these people, known as super-agers, possess some sort of superpower? Almost. It’s a specific nutritional profile that keeps their brains young…

Joyce Hollman

A bodybuilding supplement may halt Alzheimer’s progression

Exercise is great for the brain. And if your exercise game includes bodybuilding, you may have an edge over the rest of us: halting the progression of Alzheimer’s. But if weight training is off the table for you, there’s an easier way…