Endocrine disruptors

Carolyn Gretton

Planning a family? Avoid this robber of male fertility

Couples planning a family try to do everything right to increase the odds of conception. But if men are eating certain foods, exposure to an unwanted ingredient could tank their fertility rates and semen quality…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The hidden hazards of burning candles in your home

Those candles you light before a relaxing bath or the ones that give your home a warm glow are doing more than you bargained for. Here’s what and why you need to know about the hidden health hazards of candles…

Carolyn Gretton

Rocket fuel: The toxic danger lurking in our food

A dangerous chemical found in rocket fuel has gone from infiltrating our water sources to the foods we eat. Some of us are especially vulnerable to this forever chemical, which disrupts hormone production, metabolism, thyroid function and causes brain damage…

Joyce Hollman

Remove microplastics from water in your own kitchen

Microplastics are inescapable. They invade pretty much every system in the body and ferry other toxins in. But when they’re in our food and water what can we do? Reduce them by 90 percent right in your kitchen, no special equipment needed…

Carolyn Gretton

The cancer 900 chemicals have in common

Chemicals are everywhere and we know they carry health dangers. But if you’re a woman, you may want to pay special attention to more than 900 chemicals in consumer products and our environment that carry cancer-causing traits for one kind in particular…

Joyce Hollman

Forever chemicals and testicular cancer: A direct link

Forever chemicals are endocrine-disrupting chemicals and known carcinogens. But some people still need “proof.” They’ve found it, sadly, in a group of men who’ve been diagnosed with testicular cancer at much higher rates than others…