
Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

The not-so-sweet stroke danger of two popular sweeteners

Low-calorie or no-calorie substitutes are often recommended, especially for people with cardiometabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes. But more evidence about an increasing stroke and heart attack risk may have experts singing a different tune…

Carolyn Gretton

The growing blood clot concern over low-calorie sweeteners

The average American consumes almost 19 teaspoons of added sugar a day. And that’s tied to more than 45 serious health problems. No wonder many of us turn to low-calorie sweeteners, like xylitol. But practicing moderation may be safer than risking blood clots…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Erythritol: The sugar substitute linked to sticky blood and stroke

Blood clots in response to an injured blood vessel. It’s a normal response even to a paper cut. As the bleeding stops, the clot is no longer needed and dissolves. Things don’t always go as planned, but who would have thought an artificial sweetener could make things worse…