
Joyce Hollman

The not-so-surprising reason these OTC decongestants will be banned

With cold and flu season approaching, you need to hear an ugly truth: Many decongestants we’ve turned to for sinus pain and pressure have been deemed ineffective and will leave drugstore shelves soon. Here’s why some work and some don’t…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3,000-year-old spice battles autoimmune disease

Autoimmune disease turns your body’s once-balanced immune system into an overactive nightmare that begins attacking your own healthy cells and organs. Even with medication, many can be hard to manage. But an ancient spice may be what the doctor orders to improve your treatment plan…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The natural way to reduce inflammation

Inflammation seems like such a benign and common symptom. But as the saying goes, “give it an inch and it’ll take a mile.” Once it takes hold — which is easy because it’s fueled by stress, sleep loss, sugar, pollution and countless other modern-day threats — it can completely wreck your health.

Joyce Hollman

Centuries-old ginger extract suppressed cancer cell growth

Ginger’s soothing digestive effects are well known. But a centuries-old ginger extract, popular in Indonesia as a medicininal drink, may actually hold a valuable secret: The key to stopping the spread of cancer cells…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Sick during air travel: What to do

Air travel can make you sick, both on the plane and after you land. But if you’re properly prepared before takeoff, you can deal with air sickness and reduce your risk of illness. Here’s what you need to do to keep those skies friendly.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

How opioids sabotage your ‘feel good’ receptors to make pain worse

Emotional pain can cause chronic pain and chronic pain can cause emotional pain. It’s a bidirectional relationship that’s made worse when opioids enter the mix. So, while taking these painkillers can make you feel better early on, over time, they only make your problems worse.