Leaky Gut

Carolyn Gretton

A closer look at the gut’s connection to Alzheimer’s

A new wrinkle in Alzheimer’s research: Discovering that the gut and the brain communicate through neurons in both organs. What does that mean for early detection, treatment and prevention?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

An invisible connection between psoriasis and Crohn’s disease

Psoriasis manifests as scaly, red and itchy skin, but is far more than just skin-deep. It can cause unseen damage, affecting the joints, blood pressure and heart health. Now there’s an answer for the stomach problems…

Joyce Hollman

The berry powerful enough to treat bowel inflammation

If you follow nutritional health like I do, you know one superfood stands out study after study. Now researchers are calling it a natural therapeutic agent for intestinal health. That’s because it goes after the root of conditions like colitis and more…

Joyce Hollman

The nut that heals a leaky gut

A leaky gut is exactly what it sounds like. So you can imagine having one can lead to all sorts of problems, from pain to autoimmune disorders. Just 2 of these nuts a day can make a significant improvement…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Researchers conclude: Gluten’s harm goes way beyond Celiac  

Autoimmune conditions have been on the rise. And after years of denying its role in anything but celiac, science admits: Gluten induces oxidation, cellular stress, gut dysfunction and inflammation linked to multiple autoimmune, metabolic and neurodegenerative disorders…

Carolyn Gretton

Microplastics: From your gut to your kidneys, liver and brain

The dangers that microplastics present is no longer speculation. They’re in artery-clogging plaques and may cross the blood-brain barrier. Now it appears the gut may be an open door to how they wreak even more havoc on the human body…