Metabolic Syndrome

Carolyn Gretton

The night and day difference light makes on your lifespan

Before electricity, people went to bed at dark and rose with the sun. Today, light bombards every part of our lives, but little of it is natural. Depending on your exposure, it could increase or decrease you lifespan by 34%.

Carolyn Gretton

Metabolic syndrome’s link to enlarged prostate

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions that increases risks for heart problems, stroke and diabetes. But research into the cause of enlarged prostate reveals that may not be all the damage it does…

Carolyn Gretton

NiMe: The good gut diet that improves health fast

The simple act of eating healthy can be overwhelming, so you might roll your eyes at another diet. But the more research digs into diets that can make us healthier, they are finding ones that do it faster, like NiMe…

Joyce Hollman

A key vitamin for digesting fat and avoiding liver disease

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease affects about a quarter of Americans. There’s no treatment or cure, and if it progresses, things get a lot worse. The amino acid homocysteine plays a role in that progression, interfering with how the body process fat. But a simple vitamin may put it in its place…

Carolyn Gretton

The ‘pickled’ food that took down weight and triglycerides

Wouldn’t it be great if fighting obesity was as easy as adding one specific food to your diet? Well, according to multiple studies, this may be possible with a food that’s been eaten for thousands of years…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Coffee: The cardiometabolic disease crusher that lowers heart disease, diabetes and stroke

Loads of research has stacked evidence of coffee’s health benefits. But it gets better. Beyond the heart, it slays a cluster of conditions, even in early stages, to crush what’s now known as cardiometabolic disease, and it just takes this much…