Metabolic Syndrome

Carolyn Gretton

NiMe: The good gut diet that improves health fast

The simple act of eating healthy can be overwhelming, so you might roll your eyes at another diet. But the more research digs into diets that can make us healthier, they are finding ones that do it faster, like NiMe…

Carolyn Gretton

The ‘pickled’ food that took down weight and triglycerides

Wouldn’t it be great if fighting obesity was as easy as adding one specific food to your diet? Well, according to multiple studies, this may be possible with a food that’s been eaten for thousands of years…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Coffee: The cardiometabolic disease crusher that lowers heart disease, diabetes and stroke

Loads of research has stacked evidence of coffee’s health benefits. But it gets better. Beyond the heart, it slays a cluster of conditions, even in early stages, to crush what’s now known as cardiometabolic disease, and it just takes this much…

Carolyn Gretton

When sleep apnea sets you up for aortic aneurysm

Obstructive sleep apnea causes a person to stop breathing repeatedly throughout the night. It can raise the odds of several cardiovascular complications. Abdominal aortic aneurysm is the latest to join that list…

Carolyn Gretton

Ignore your body clock at peril, especially if overweight

Most people’s natural circadian rhythm signals bedtime between 10 p.m. and midnight. Those who ignore it in favor of late-night TV or scrolling, can see it add up to higher levels of body fat, triglycerides and glucose in the blood, increasing risk for metabolic syndrome…

Joyce Hollman

The 8-week diet proven to slow aging

Making a diet change is a big commitment. But there’s one diet that appears to confer substantial anti-aging benefits, even when followed for just a matter of weeks. This may be the nudge you need to give it a try and slow your rate of aging in the process…