
Joyce Hollman

Soda, sugar and the other reason it leads to diabetes

Soda has tons of sugar, so it makes sense it might lead to diabetes. But it’s more complex than that. For the first time, a study has “connected the dots,” showing how soda alters the gut to sabotage our metabolism.

Joyce Hollman

The vitamin that helps cancer-fighting bacteria thrive

Gut bacteria doesn’t just keep your gut healthy, it helps you avoid sickness and disease. One type in particular is showing great promise in not only shrinking cancerous tumors, but eradicating them. And a simple vitamin can help it thrive in your gut…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The surprising kitchen appliance that’s a hotbed of bacteria

You might expect a damp sponge or counters to be teeming with bacteria. But researchers show there’s an appliance that needs our attention, even though it’s suprising how germs could flourish there…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The snack your heart loves that boosts your ‘happy’ hormone

When you reach for sweets or salty chips, your waistline and your health suffer. Don’t worry. If you need a little something to hold you over, there’s one snack that hits so many health marks — if you’re not enjoying it daily, you’re doing yourself a disservice…

Joyce Hollman

The berry that boosts metabolism, burns fat and fights flu

Since ancient times, elderberries have been used medicinally and have a reputation for fighting flu. But a regular dose of elderberry juice or tea just may be what your metabolism and blood sugar need to get in gear…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

How your poop schedule impacts your liver and kidneys

Once we’re out of elementary school, the poop jokes typically end. The childish humor is just that, plus the older we get we learn a fact: There’s nothing funny about not being able to go. And now we know our kidneys and liver can pay the price…