
Carolyn Gretton

Harnessing the anti-aging potential of hormones

Beyond retinol and collagen, research knows hormones can slow the effects of aging. Take estrogen. But new research is about harnessing the body’s lesser-known hormones for their anti-aging potential. Discover how…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Key player in kidney disease identified (and a supplement that helps)

37 million Americans live with chronic kidney disease. If you have diabetes or hypertension, you’re at high risk of joining them. Luckily, a new treatment, and better yet, preventative, is on the horizon. Even better, it’s available right now without prescription…

Margaret Cantwell

The vitamin that fights a common contributor of unhealthy aging

Longer lifespans have researchers scrambling for answers on how to keep an aging population healthier. One vitamin has emerged that many experts agree may be useful for several chronic conditions featuring a common denominator afflicting North Americans as we age…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Coffee: The healthy aging secret under our noses

While everyone has been looking for a way to live healthier longer, it appears the simplest answer has been under our noses. A review of dozens of studies shows our favorite drink challenges 7 pillars of aging…

Margaret Cantwell

10 micronutrients that turn the key on age reversal

When cellular energy diminishes, the body’s processes break down and so do we. That’s aging. But one key factor can be manipulated to slow it, and now research says potentially reverse it, including the outward signs we’d really like to do something about…

Joyce Hollman

Potential Parkinson’s prevention found in seaweed antioxidant

There’s no cure for Parkinson’s, but research provides insight into steps we can take to reduce our risk. The most compelling is the free radical assault that puts Parkinson’s into motion and strong evidence the right antioxidant can prevent it…