
Joyce Hollman

A complex relationship: women, weight and high stroke risk

There’s been a lot of conflicting information on weight and health status. But most experts agree: maintaining a healthy weight improves many areas of health. For women though, depending on when weight struggles started, the risk of stroke is much greater.…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

3 health conditions that steal your testosterone

Studies show that testosterone levels in men have been declining for decades. If you’re a man between 45 and 65, odds are your T levels don’t measure up to your dad’s. But why? Well, as three specific health conditions rose, T levels tanked, and there’s a definite connection…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The new stroke risk? Being 65 or younger

Most of us think stroke is something that happens when you’re old. Not anymore. Not only can a stroke occur at any age, the numbers game shows more people under 65 are having strokes than ever before. Here’s why stroke rates are rising so dramatically in younger people…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

4 factors that weigh heavy on breast cancer risk and death

Fat cells release hormones that, especially in postmenopausal women, can fuel breast cancer. But additional factors have been found to significantly stack the odds, whether weight is a factor or not. The good news is you can do simple diagnostics at home to identify these risks and turn them around…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What works to keep fatty liver inflammation from progressing

Fatty liver has become far too common a health risk, and it’s one that keeps on giving because it can progress to liver cancer with just a few steps in between. The key is stamping out the inflammation before that happens…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Obesity’s weird effect on when the body burns energy

Losing weight isn’t easy. That’s why so many of us have just made resolutions to give it another go. But now we have a clue as to why. New research reveals simply being obese actually changes when your body burns caloric energy…