
Joyce Hollman

Orange peel extract: Natural heart disease prevention

People with higher levels of TMAO in their blood may have more than twice the risk of heart attack, stroke, or other serious cardiovascular problems. And when we eat a juicy orange, we’re throwing away the part that can inhibit this dangerous enzyme…

Carolyn Gretton

Healthier ‘made with real fruit’ products to reach for in a crunch

Most of us still aren’t eating enough fruit. That’s why in a crunch you may reach for a “made with real fruit” alternative. But how much fruit is really there is anyone’s guess. The only thing for sure is the added sugars. Here’s how to tell the good from the bad choices…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Cholesterol, hearing loss and the plant compound that could help you hear again

Not all cholesterol is bad. In fact, cholesterol could be all that’s standing between you and age-related hearing loss. Luckily, researchers may have found the secret to maintaining youthful cholesterol levels in your ears to reduce the threat of hearing loss…

Carolyn Gretton

What half an avocado a day does to your blood pressure

Avocados have long been considered a superfood. Yes, they’re high in fat and calories but also contain some valuable nutrition. That’s what caught the attention of researchers looking to put the blood pressure-busting effects of avocados to the test…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

A novel way to make your cake a superfood

Cake might not be the healthiest choice for those of us looking to slim our waistlines or battle back diabetes and blood pressure problems. But what if there was a way to bake a cake with superfood benefits?

Carolyn Gretton

The supplement that may soon fight tooth decay

Dental caries, or tooth decay, is one of the oldest and most common diseases known to man. Yes, it’s a disease and its damage goes far beyond your mouth. So we brush and floss and try to avoid the sugar that kicks it off. But a powerful phytonutrient just may make caring for our teeth easier…