
Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The link between mitochondria, Alzheimer’s and pomegranates

If you’ve heard anything about Alzheimer’s, you’ve heard plenty about the amyloid and tau protein signatures that harm the brain. But these aren’t the only proteins that clump, and research says that secret links mitochondria and the potential to reverse a variety of age-related ailments.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The red fruit that lowered blood pressure like medication

Like a lot of fruit, often the most nutritional and health-promoting parts are the parts we throw away. When it comes to this unique red fruit, the same is true. But considering it lowered blood pressure as well as a prescription medicine, it warrants learning how to eat the most effective parts…

Joyce Hollman

5 Ways pomegranates heal your body

There’s a good reason the pomegranate has been revered for so long: It holds more healing power than any other fruit out there. Here are five reasons you should be eating more of them, starting with your blood pressure…

Dr. Geo Espinosa

Pomegranate’s 10 benefits for men’s health

Want to improve your health with one simple food? The pomegranate should be at the top of your list. This is true for everyone, but especially for men. This remarkable fruit offers impressive head to toe benefits. Learn how to fit pomegranate into your life and partake in this legendary wonder.