
Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The superfood compound that beats back prediabetes

Prediabetes isn’t just a stepping stone to type 2. Even in this stage, it can cause heart damage. Lifestyle changes may keep the scales from tipping, especially a diet that contains this glucose-lowering superfood…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Medical panel finally admits we need more vitamin D

Despite decades of mounting evidence on vitamin D’s prevention potential, the medical community has held fast to a very meager RDA. But change is in the air, at least for certain people and conditions. Did you make the cut?

Joyce Hollman

The vitamin that could turn prediabetes around

Prediabetes is a silent sign diabetes isn’t far behind. Watching weight, blood sugar and cholesterol could help you avoid it. But if you find yourself in prediabetes limbo, like 10 million other adults, researchers say a common vitamin could be a big help…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What an extra cup of coffee does for diabetes risk

Considering that 1 in 3 of us have prediabetes, researchers know the implications could be huge if they could could find a simple fix. Especially if it’s something most of us enjoy, don’t need a prescription for and tackles a key inflammatory biomarker…

Joyce Hollman

Symptoms and risks for the ‘over-50’ cancer all women should know

It’s the most common cancer of the female reproductive system, yet there’s no screening test to detect uterine cancer. That’s why knowing these symptoms and risk factors is so important, especially if you’re over 50 when your risk is highest.

Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby

The vitamin everyone needs (especially diabetics) for kidney protection

Protecting your kidneys is critical to health. But did you know one of the most dangerous and prevalent side effects of type 2 diabetes is kidney damage? So in addition to properly managing diabetes, it’s vitally important to be sure you’re not deficient in this one very important vitamin…