Premature Aging

Joyce Hollman

How your blood vessels can accelerate your brain’s age

As we age, our brains age along with all of our other parts. But some people’s brains experience accelerated aging, and research has zeroed in on how their blood vessels could be responsible…

Joyce Hollman

8 steps to slow aging as much as six years

The American Heart Association has a running list on how to achieve optimal heart health. As a nation, we’ve got a lousy score. But an unexpected finding of adhering to this list doesn’t just mean a higher score… it can help you turn your age back as much as 6 years.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Foods that send aging into overdrive

I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t want to slow aging. Understandably, there’s some skepticism when products claim to. But it can be as simple as avoiding the things that accelerate your rate of aging — like these foods…

Carolyn Gretton

The diet that slowed aging and reduced dementia risk

Diet is the foundation of heart and metabolic health. But for dementia, the focus has been on how specific nutrients affect the brain. Now, decades of research tells us slowing the body’s pace of aging should be part of the strategy, and the diet that does it…

Joyce Hollman

What standing on one leg reveals about aging

How well do you think you’re aging? Considering all we now know about slowing the rate of aging so we can reduce risks for functional decline and disease, we’d be foolish not to try. The first step is to gauge your biological age…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

These scientists say travel could help us defy aging

Based on the theory of entropy, which translates to the breakdown of cells and systems in humans — exactly what happens with aging — scientists have stumbled on a novel anti-aging intervention. Here’s how you can put it to work…