Premature Aging

Carolyn Gretton

12 conditions signaled by the way you walk

Walking comes naturally easy to us as adults. But the way we walk tends to vary from person to person. That’s no big deal unless it’s a difference that signals one of these 12 hidden health problems tipped off by how you walk…

Margaret Cantwell

The best nutrients to fight the #1 source of premature aging

The sun is responsible for about 90 percent of skin aging by damaging key proteins responsible for keeping it firm and smooth: collagen and elastin. You can fight back from the inside out with nutrients research says add a second layer of protection against photoaging.

Carolyn Gretton

An unexpected effect of chronic pain: Brain aging

Chronic musculoskeletal pain can impact your muscles, bones, joints and ligaments. It can be unrelenting, and research shows a surprising connection between this type of pain, inflammation and brain aging. An essential fatty acid may attack all three…

Carolyn Gretton

The diet that slowed aging and reduced dementia risk

Diet is the foundation of heart and metabolic health. But for dementia, the focus has been on how specific nutrients affect the brain. Now decades of research tells us slowing the body’s pace of aging should be part of the strategy, and the diet that does it…

Joyce Hollman

A blood test could predict how fast you’re aging

Some of us are healthy agers, while probably a lot more of us are rapid agers. Being in the latter group means your body is much older than your driver’s license may say. What if a blood test could clue you in to heading off that destruction and deteortion.?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

This ‘living drug’ could be the real fountain of youth

No need to travel to Florida. New findings reveal the real fountain of youth is much closer to home. Tweaking our own T cells, immune system cells, is the start of what scientists are calling a “living drug” to halt the ravages of time…