
Joyce Hollman

Eczema flare-up? Cut back on the salt

Salt. It’s tied to hypertension and heart health, and now, would you believe skin? It makes sense how it gets in your bloodstream to impact arteries, but how it affects your skin will leave you scratching your head, and maybe your eczema flare-up…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The popular condiment linked to stomach cancer

Sodium is an essential nutrient the body needs — but only in small amounts. The problem is in the typical American diet, there’s no shortage of it, and it doesn’t just raise your blood pressure. It may be the missing link that explains why stomach cancer rates are on the rise.

Joyce Hollman

The salt that doesn’t raise your blood pressure

If you’re a candidate for high blood pressure, you’ve surely been advised to lay off the salt. But what if I told you that you could, well, have your salt and eat it, too? That’s right — there’s another kind of salt out there, and though you may have to search for it, it’s well worth the reward…

Joyce Hollman

From kidney disease to heart disease: How much salt matters

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death for people with Chronic kidney disease (CKD). And CKD can raise the risk of CVD significantly. They often occur together and share many of the same risk factors — and one popular spice…

Joyce Hollman

The sneaky way salt can lead to diabetes

If you’re at risk for type 2 diabetes, hopefully, you already know the ground rules, like avoiding high glycemic foods. But what most of us don’t know is that salting our food can be as quick a path to diabetes as sugar…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Women urged to eat this blood pressure ‘kryptonite’

If I had a dollar for every time a doctor told me to cut down my salt intake… But what if there was something that countered salt’s bad effects? Sort of a “kryptonite” that weakened its ability to raise blood pressure? Sound too good to be true? This time it’s not…