Sedentary lifestyle

Joyce Hollman

Trouble exercising to lower blood pressure? Just sit less

Exercise isn’t easy, even if you’re young, fit and healthy. But it can get even harder with age. If you’re worried about your blood pressure but find exercise difficult, you can still lower your numbers practically as much simply by sitting less…

Carolyn Gretton

The leisure-time activity that sabotages a man’s sex life

A lot of things can impact a man’s ability to achieve an erection, including age and health. But there’s another factor that you may not have considered — and it involves an increasingly popular activity common among young and old alike…

Carolyn Gretton

Two factors that weaken your muscles more than aging

We tend to resign ourselves to the fact that as we get older our muscles get weaker and decline is inevitable. But could it be the other way around? When researchers looked at primary aging and something called secondary aging, a different picture emerged…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Why winter raises cholesterol levels

Heart health is always in season. But during the winter season, there are a few reasons to pay it special attention. According to experts, just like the snow, some health-related factors can pile up to increase cardiovascular risks…

Carolyn Gretton

The 22-minute solution to a longer life

Sitting. It’s so bad for us, but is there any way to get around it? How can you possibly counter the damage to your health after sitting eight or more hours a day at work and then winding down in front of the TV for a few more? In 22 minutes, that’s how…

Joyce Hollman

If walking is good for you, is running better?

Running and walking each have their advantages in terms of fitness and impact on conditions that can impact long-term health. But is one better than the other? It really depends on your individual goals and one especially important factor…