
Joyce Hollman

The low-fat answer to lung cancer, even for smokers

Diet has long been proven to make a huge difference, not only in matters like weight, but in disease risk. And one component, fat, gets the most attention. No wonder. When your choice of fat can reduce lung cancer risk, even in smokers, that’s a big deal.

Joyce Hollman

How smokers can live longer at any age

If you’ve been a lifelong smoker, you might question whether it’s even worth the trouble to give up the habit now. A fifteen-year-long study found how to quit so you can live nearly as long as someone who has never picked up a cigarette in their life…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Smoking’s link to dangerous belly fat

Despite all we know about the dangers of smoking, nearly one in 12 U.S. adults still does. And while many of them may want to kick the habit, concerns about weight gain is one excuse holding them back. If only they knew the irony of what smoking does to their belly fat…

Joyce Hollman

The safe, effective quit-smoking pill Americans can’t get

It’s the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, killing close to half a million people each year. The good news is a safe and highly effective quit-smoking pill is available. But Big Pharma greed is keeping Americans from ever using it.…

Carolyn Gretton

How smoking stops your body from fighting off cancer

We’ve all been warned that smoking causes cancer. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg of what this habit does to our bodies, starting with hijacking our natural tumor suppressor genes making cancer more complex and even harder to treat…

Carolyn Gretton

Lifestyle factors to improve by 60 to avoid the nursing home

Focusing on healthy aging is something you might put off until you feel, well, older. But research has shown how you take care of yourself, and the habits you form, won’t only impact your health, but also your risk of ending up in a nursing home. Pay attention to these before you near 60…