
Virginia Tims-Lawson

Why New Year’s resolutions can backfire

Are you hearing less about your friends’ New Year’s resolutions? Experts say that’s because the practice can lead to stress no one needs. What can you do instead? Try just three simple habits for better days this year and beyond…

Carolyn Gretton

The scientific reason it really is better to give than receive

Everyone loves giving and getting gifts. But it seems we enjoy gift-giving a bit more. Turns out the old adage “it’s better to give than to receive” is actually true in terms of the response it elicits from your brain…

Joyce Hollman

The drink to save your heart from high-fat stress eating

When life gets stressful, stress eating on high-fat food is a common reaction. But that bag of chips compounds the dangerous impact of stress on your heart. The right drink, though, contains nutrients powerful enough to dial it back…

Jordan Fuller

Why golf is the ultimate social sport for healthy aging 

Aging gracefully is about more than just adding years to your life. It’s about enriching those years with health, vitality and connection. Golf can help because it’s more than just a sport — it’s a pathway to a longer, fuller life. 

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Obesity’s fight-or-flight response driving diabetes

Obesity is at the root of most disease, from cancer to heart disease. But it’s most closely linked to is diabetes, hence the term ‘diabesity.’ But another hidden factor driving that connection has been recently uncovered…

Carolyn Gretton

What triggers cold sores to flareup?

The “cold sore” virus is extremely common. It’s believed to be present in more than half of all Americans. That doesn’t make it any easier to deal with when cold sores flareup. Gaining a better understanding of the virus may…