
Joyce Hollman

Are these foods behind your chronic insomnia?

Stress, pain, bathroom trips, frequent screen time and irregular sleep habits can add up to occassional sleeplessness. Chronic insomnia, where sleep is elusive night after night can be maddening. But a growing connection means a simple solution may be in reach…

Joyce Hollman

Hidden food allergies and the link to heart damage

What if you had a food allergy to a common allergen, like milk, peanuts or shellfish, but it was mild enough that you had none of the typical symptoms? New findings say continuing to eat an offending food could cause heart damage that could shorten your life…

Joyce Hollman

For a happy liver and digestion, balance your bile

Bile produced by the liver makes you able to digest fats and vitamins. But too much bile can be toxic to the liver and other organ systems. Here’s the run-down on what happens when there’s too much bile, and how you can keep things flowing smoothly.

Joyce Hollman

The most effective strategy against heart disease and cancer

Diet is directly tied to health or disease. That’s why it has been and may always be a topic of research. But when a study comes out every week on this diet or that, how do you quantify it all? Analyze 20 years of studies and the disease-free diet comes to the top…

Joyce Hollman

Kombucha: The bacterial boost your metabolism needs

You may have heard of kombucha, but not jumped on board the hype. Well, if you’re looking to reduce fat, lower triglycerides and lose weight, kombucha can get you there by boosting the bacteria your body needs to ramp up your metabolism.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why the fight against colon cancer might start in your mouth

In my work, I see the data regularly and know that colon cancer has been on the rise for several years. As more and more research is being carried out to get to the root causes and slow the tide, a disturbing revelation may have just been found in a surprising place — the mouth.