Vagus nerve

Joyce Hollman

10 signs you may have this blood circulation disorder

Dizzy whenever you stand up too quickly? You may have postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, or POTS, a circulation disorder of the autonomic nervous system. Here’s what you should know about the condition and how to get help…

Carolyn Gretton

Relief for long COVID fatigue: Resetting the vagus nerve

Long-COVID is no joke. Almost half who suffer from it experience crushing fatigue they say impacts their quality of life. Researchers hot on the trail of why it happens and how to relieve it may have hit a nerve… one that has a history of dysfunction related to other viral infections.

Joyce Hollman

6 ways to hack your vagus nerve and why you should

Your vagus nerve runs from your brain to your gut and controls a long list of automatic body functions. It keeps you breathing and keeps your heart beating. There are things you can do to keep this nervous system “superhighway” functioning optimally.