Visceral fat

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What arm fat can tell you about your bone density

Osteoporosis and the risks for hip or spine fractures go way up with age, especially for women. That’s why we succumb to bone scans and try to build up our bones. But you may be surprised what your arms can reveal about your bones (and a disease trigger deep in your belly)…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Smoking’s link to dangerous belly fat

Despite all we know about the dangers of smoking, nearly one in 12 U.S. adults still does. And while many of them may want to kick the habit, concerns about weight gain is one excuse holding them back. If only they knew the irony of what smoking does to their belly fat…

Carolyn Gretton

The connection between deep belly fat and Alzheimer’s

Belly fat signals much more than weight gain. It can hide a ticking time bomb deep in your abdomen known as visceral fat. This type of fat has already been linked to diabetes, heart disease and stroke — and now the most feared condition of aging…

Carolyn Gretton

Snacks that come with a license to cheat

You might think that if you eat healthy otherwise, splurging on a few snacks a day balances out. It depends. Choose wisely and you’ll carry less fat compared not only to those who snack on the wrong stuff, but also compared to those who don’t snack at all…

Joyce Hollman

The diet that doubles fat loss and reduces disease risk

The traditional Mediterranean diet is well known for its benefits that lead to longevity, partly by improving heart health and weight. Hard to believe it could get any better than that, but hold onto your hat… Find out how to double visceral fat loss and drop disease risk, even more!