
Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

6 sneaky signs of a vitamin deficiency

Even in first world countries, like the U.S., vitamin deficiencies may be more common than you would ever guess. How do you know if you’re getting enough of the nutrients considered essential? Besides having your blood tested, pay attention to these six often sneaky signs of a deficiency…

Jenny Smiechowski

Combating stress could give color back to your gray hair

Gray hair is something most of us learn to accept as we get older. But it turns out, those grays aren’t always permanent. If stress caused your gray hair, there could be a shot at getting your hair color back again…

Joyce Hollman

7 ways to use lavender for your mind and body

The earliest recorded use of lavender comes from ancient Egypt. Today, research substantiates many of lavender’s benefits, including calming anxiety. But it’s a natural remedy for some troubling physical ailments as well. Here are just seven ways you can put this sweet-smelling herb to use…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

What your husband’s gray hair might say about his heart

Is going gray just genetic or is there more to it? Research reported by the European Society of Cardiology took a look at the link between graying hair and the risk of serious heart problems in over 500 men. You might be surprised at the findings…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What your hair reveals about weight gain

Frazzled, tense, anxious, worried, wound up? Watch out. People with higher levels of stress have higher levels of a hormone in their hair that’s an indicator for obesity over time, including larger waist circumference and a higher body mass index…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Sweetest hair treatment cures dandruff

Have you been suckered in by those commercials that make you believe those chemical-laden dandruff shampoos will give you the gorgeous, silky, flake-free hair you’ve been wishing for? Fortunately, there is a sweet natural solution…