
Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Fasting’s inflammation-fighting trigger may work like aspirin

A unifying theory of disease strongly suggests that inflammation is the major contributing factor to disease and aging. Fortunately, scientists are fast on track to identifying what cools it down to support healthier aging…

Joyce Hollman

The alternative fuel source that powers up your immune system

A metabolic by-product you can trick your body into producing more of appears to supercharge immune cells as they fight infection and disease, research is finding. There are a couple of ways to get them going…

Carolyn Gretton

The pros and cons of water fasting

With reported benefits like weight loss and better blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar, a water fast is something to think about. But is it all hype? See what these researchers found when they reviewed eight studies on water fasting and spelled out the pros and cons…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How time-restricted eating can change your genes

Time-restricted eating could mean skipping meals for a day. Or just eating every day during an 8 or 9 hour period. I like the latter. But one thing’s for sure: It could be one of the best things for your health, say scientists who saw how it effects 70 percent of genes…

Carolyn Gretton

‘First of its kind’ study: Restricting calories slows pace of aging

By far, the most convincing evidence for slowing aging has come from calorie restriction. For years, studies involving fruit flies, worms and even mice have shown it can extend lifespan and delay onset of age-related disorders. Finally we know what it can do for us too…

Carolyn Gretton

Why skipping breakfast means getting sick more often

There are many proven reasons breakfast has earned the title of “most important meal of the day.” And the popular practice of fasting is proving yet another reason why: a chain reaction set off by inflammation that can make you sick easily and more often and set you up for heart problems…