Type 2 Diabetes

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The diet that ‘detoxes’ diabetic kidney danger

For many people dealing with type 2 diabetes, kidney problems will crop up. Diabetes injures the kidneys, keeping them from cleaning the blood properly. But if you can eliminate one food compound you’ve likely never heard of, you might stop that threat in its tracks…

Joyce Hollman

The weird connection between mouthwash, gum disease and diabetes

There’s an especially complex relationship between gum disease and type 2 diabetes. It’s a loop where one condition exacerbates the other, and vice versa. But research says it may be possible to gargle away both problems. Let’s look at the facts…

Joyce Hollman

The diabetes-cancer connection and how to take both down

If you or a loved one has type 2 diabetes, you know the importance of controlling it. But there’s another significant reason to manage it, better yet, help it go into remission: Cancer. Luckily, there’s one thing that can take both dangerous conditions down…

Carolyn Gretton

The diet that takes diabetes down, except when it doesn’t

It can be tough to separate the good from the bad when choosing a diet plan. That’s why scientists are paying closer attention to the health impacts of certain ones. And when it comes to diabetes, they’ve discovered something interesting about plant-based diets…

Carolyn Gretton

The statin that raises your risk of diabetes and cataracts

Doctors often prescribe statins to help lower cholesterol. However, they come with a laundry list of worrying side effects, including a higher risk of dementia, kidney damage and muscle pain. Now we’re finding some statins can increase the risk for diabetes and cataracts…

Joyce Hollman

Iron, chemicals behind red meat’s link to diabetes

Over a decade ago we were warned about red meat and diabetes. Maybe we’ve been sidetracked by sugar, but understanding how meat can elevate diabetes risk by more than 50 percent is a message a new study hopes to drive home…