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Blood Pressure

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Carl Lowe

The superjuice that makes your arteries loose

Your heart beats about 100,000 times a day. To keep that action from stressing stiff arteries, you should drink the juice that enhances arterial health.

Jenny Smiechowski

Blue corn for big blood pressure and belly fat benefits

Corn is controversial in the natural health world. And for good reason. A lot of corn is genetically modified and corn derivatives are one of the most popular fillers in processed junk foods. But blue corn is something else…

Dr. Brad Cutler

3 ways to throw off heart disease

For nearly half of us, the very first sign of a heart problem ends in death. And shockingly most of those deaths happen to women. Since 1984, heart disease, the number one killer of women, has killed more women than men each year.

Jenny Smiechowski

The weird connection between shoulder pain and heart trouble

If your shoulders feel sore, tight or painful, you may blame it on overworked muscles or poor posture. But there could be another more worrisome cause behind your shoulder trouble… In fact, shoulder problems may have less do with muscle strain and more to do with a higher rate of heart disease…

Easy Health Options Staff

‘Avoidable’ diseases keep you rich in more ways than one

Hypertension or high blood pressure is scary stuff. But at the same time, it’s the number one treatable risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease. So why are 25 percent of emergency room visits from hypertensive patients?

Easy Health Options Staff

The greatest grape for your heart health

The fruit of the vine has a real romance to it. And whether it’s a coincidence or not, grapes protect your heart. You see, when your heart’s antioxidant defenses falter, that’s when you’re open to high blood pressure which leads to heart disease.


Easy Health Options Staff

Harvard finds “tomato pill” stops stroke and high blood pressure

When you were a kid you probably thought of the tomato as a vegetable, and now they’re calling them “tomato fruit.” But whether you’re old school or new age, the fact is: tomatoes help your heart.

Easy Health Options Staff

Phosphate in foods: one kind is healthy, one is deadly

Did you know that high blood pressure can destroy your bones and kidneys as well as your heart? Researchers have found that leaving the wrong kind of phosphates out of your meals may provide an easy way to rescue your blood pressure and your vital organs.

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Heart health and blood pressure: What really works

What causes high blood pressure? Unfortunately, it’s complicated, and there isn’t just one smoking gun. High blood pressure, aka hypertension, can be caused by age, weight, chronic stress, sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, smoking or other issues. Usually though, hypertension is caused by…

Jenny Smiechowski

Watch out for these lesser-known high BP dangers

Having high blood pressure is a risky business. It has a devastating effect on your heart, causing heart attacks, heart disease, congestive heart failure and atherosclerosis. But did you know it’s equally as devastating to your brain and your kidneys?

Dr. Mark Wiley

These 3 rules could save your life

It doesn’t matter that the U.S. spends more on health care than other wealthy nations. It is not quality of care, but our daily work environment that is killing us.

Easy Health Options Staff

Inflammation danger is a double whammy if you have this skin condition

To eliminate chronic inflammation, we must reduce the underlying factors contributing to it, and support the body’s natural anti-inflammatory mechanisms. The best way to do that is through food and supplements.