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Carolyn Gretton

The heart condition 3 times more common than thought

It’s hard to tell sometimes if health problems are on the rise or just underdiagnosed. Both could apply to atrial fibrillation, a condition that substantially increases risk of stroke. With such dangerous stakes, it a good thing researchers are taking a closer look…

Carolyn Gretton

10 hidden health problems your eyes can reveal

Shakespeare said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. But they can also offer a glimpse into what else is going on in the body, including hints about health ailments, and not just those affecting your eyes…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Study links spirituality to healthier blood pressure

As a preventive cardiologist, one of the most common conditions I treat is hypertension. Nearly half of adults have it. Medications help, but lifestyle avenues interest my patients most. Now research has opened another avenue to lower their readings, with impressive results…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Blood pressure-lowering vegetables that take down stroke risk

One of the biggest risk factors for heart disease, heart attack and stroke is high blood pressure. It’s also a risk factor you can take down by eating the right foods. We’ve created a short-cut list for you of the best veggies research says can lower each of these risks…

Joyce Hollman

Flexibility may be the easiest flex for a longer life

At 68 I can still touch my toes. That kind of flexibility not only helps me feel younger, there’s proof it lowers blood pressure. And since my goal is to live to 100, like my mom, research shows I’m on the right track. Here’s why flexibilty is linked to multiple benefits, including longevity…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The one thing about blood pressure that stacks stroke risk

Strokes are incredibly traumatic. And while they may seem to strike without warning, there are danger flares sent up by your body that can indicate a future stroke. High blood pressure is the obvious culprit, but depending on how long you’ve lived with it, your stroke risk is climbing…


Virginia Tims-Lawson

The one change that lowers BP and improves heart and kidney health

High blood pressure can do more than damage your heart. It weakens blood vessels, limiting blood flow and dramatically reducing kidney function. This causes a backup of fluid into your blood vessels, raising your blood pressure even more. One change can fix it all…

Carolyn Gretton

3 foods to take down blood sugar, blood pressure and weight

Few of us eat the recommended eight to 10 daily servings of fruits and vegetables, and it’s bringing our health down as a nation. Easy fix. Focus on just three: one you can drink and the other two only require one serving a day…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

3 amazing benefits of summer’s best heart-healthy vegetable

If you didn’t know, there’s a vegetable you need to take advantage of right now on your next visit to the farmer’s market. It’s the one that provides huge amounts of 8 important nutrients, a compound that lowers blood pressure and one that fights disease-causing inflammation…

Joyce Hollman

A vicious cycle: diabetes, heart and kidney disease

Diabetes, heart disease and kidney disease overlap so much that the American Heart Association has coined a new syndrome to describe people with two or more of these diseases. Here’s how to know if you’re at risk, and what to do about it…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Blood pressure drugs tied to surprising fracture risk

As our age goes up, so can our risk for fractures. And it’s a risk not to be taken lightly: Fractures have been linked to early death for both men and women, especially in those of us over 65. Not long ago we shared the threat long-term use of blood pressure drugs can pose to our kidneys. Now I need to share another…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The lasting damage anger does to your blood vessels

Emotions like anger, sadness and anxiety have long been associated with heart attack. We often imagine one big event that pushes our emotions over the edge and sends us to the ER. But it’s the short bursts of anger you should be worried about unless you’ve already got some protection…