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Virginia Tims-Lawson

Spirulina: How to use the superfood that’s your heart’s best friend

There’s no question that your heart is one of the most important organs in your body. And, if you don’t keep it healthy, you’re at extreme risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack and even heart failure. This antioxidant powerhouse offers the multi-faceted protection your heart needs…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

High blood pressure just might be optional

There’s a good argument that high blood pressure just might be optional. Turns out, for most of our evolution, humans ate diets containing less than a quarter teaspoon of salt a day, because we mostly ate plants. As a result, we evolved into salt-conserving machines. See the problem?

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Healthy fat’s no substitute for how walnuts lower your blood pressure

High blood pressure is a tricky condition. After all, it’s known as the silent killer for good reason. You can easily have dangerously elevated pressure and not even know it until it’s too late. And, once you’re diagnosed, getting it under control is no picnic either.

Jenny Smiechowski

The breakfast that increases risk of death from heart disease 87%

Whether I’m whipping up a quick smoothie or digging into an omelet and toast, I love breakfast. I know not everyone is a breakfast person. But I have a hard time understanding how that can be… If you’re not, I have bad news. Your breakfast habits (or lack thereof) are putting your heart in jeopardy…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The vitamin you didn’t know could help prevent heart attack

Analyzing the bloodwork of patients who’ve suffered heart attack has revealed a common problem — low levels of a vitamin that helps regulate blood flow, lower blood pressure and the levels of oxidative stress in your cardiovascular system. You might say it turns back the clock on your veins, arteries and heart.

Joyce Hollman

Exercise ‘snacking’ may be the best new trend anyone can do

What kind of exercise is best? And how much is enough? What if you just can’t stand to work up a sweat and keep at it for long? Well, there’s more evidence that you don’t have to exercise yourself into oblivion — instead, grabbing a little here and a little there can be quite beneficial…


Virginia Tims-Lawson

Improve blood pressure and ease sleep apnea in just 5 minutes a day

Blood pressure, especially systolic (the top number) naturally creeps up as arteries stiffen with age, raising the risk for heart attack, kidney damage, and even cognitive problems. But what if there was something easy that only took 5 minutes a day to bring it way down, without breaking a sweat?

Jenny Smiechowski

The strange nocturnal sign you have high blood pressure

How many times do you go to the bathroom at night? I’ll admit, there are nights when I go to the bathroom a few times. And sure, it’s annoying. But I never thought it was anything to worry about. Unfortunately, if you get up to go several times at night (like I do sometimes), your nightly bathroom habits could be a harbinger of bad news.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

A midday snooze could help you lose high blood pressure better than meds

Have you heard the phrase, “if you snooze, you lose?” Usually it refers to missing out on something because you weren’t paying attention and let an opportunity pass you by. But here’s one opportunity you can totally snooze on, and still reap some impressive benefits…

Jenny Smiechowski

3 factors that fuel age-related brain shrinkage the fastest

As alarming as it is to find a wiry gray hair sprouting from your head or a cavernous wrinkle resting in a formerly smooth section of your face, I think the most alarming part about getting older is what happens to your brain…Now, you’ve probably heard about the alarming effects of brain aging before. But if you haven’t, brace yourself…

Joyce Hollman

How mouthwash raises your blood pressure

Have you heard the expression, “throwing the baby out with the bath water”? It means getting rid of what’s good, along with what’s bad. This happens a lot when it comes to things we do and use that are supposed to make us healthier… like gargling with mouthwash.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What you should know about resistant hypertension

For most people, making healthy lifestyle changes and possibly adding in a prescription medication is enough to optimize their blood pressure and keep them out of the danger zone. However, if you fit into any of these categories, resistant hypertension could be the problem: