The daily practice for pain-free movement

Keeping the body pain free and moving easy is not so… easy.

Generally, we tighten up with emotional stress and physically-inactive positions, like sitting and typing or sitting and watching TV.

That kind of prolonged lack of motion without changes in body position leads to tightness, trigger points, limited range of motion and pain. When it comes to your body’s full range of motion — just like the old saying goes — if you don’t use it, you lose it.

So before you know it, it’s not so easy to move, and when you do it hurts. But you can remedy that…

In today’s video, yoga teacher Wendy Krauss Talis will teach a half sun salutation, a full sun salutation, and an additional flow sequence that will warm up your body, move the joints, stretch the muscles and make you feel great!

Give it a try and see about making it a daily practice.

Part 1 – Half Sun Salutation

Stand feet together. Inhale and raise your arms above your head.

Pull arms back and drop them shoulder height and bring your chest forward.

Bend to waist level and allow your hands to rest on your knees, feet, blocks (if you have them) or the floor. Raise chin a bit to look up.

Exhale and soften the knees and lower your head toward the knees. Bend the knees more, bring arms back and then raise them to shoulder height. Keep your weight in your heels and bring your chest forward.

Come all the way up and raise your arms back up above your head. Place palms together and lower hands to chest level.

Repeat this half sun salutation sequence a total of three times; more if you like.

Peak D3

When you step out into the sunlight, your body begins the process of making vitamin D. But getting the ideal amount can be difficult because some of us can’t effectively absorb it. That’s just one of many reasons the vitamin D deficiency is an epidemic… MORE⟩⟩


Part 2 – Full Sun Salutation

If you feel you can do more, continue the flow from the above with arms raised above your head.

Pull arms back and drop them shoulder height and bring your chest forward.

Bend to waist level and allow your hands to rest on your knees, feet, blocks (if you have them) or the floor. Raise chin a bit to look up.

Exhale and bring your head to your knees.

Inhale and raise up so chest is parallel to the floor, hands on your knees or shins.

Bend your knees so your hands can be placed flat on the floor.

Raise your right leg up and place it fully extended behind you into a lunge. Lift your chin and chest.

Gently glide back to allow your left knee to straighten and place your head toward your left knee.

Bend forward into the knee, chest still against it, hands on the floor.

Kick the left leg back and place it fully extended behind you into a lunge. Lift your chin and chest.

Gently glide back to allow your right knee to straighten and place your head toward your right knee.

Bend forward into the knee, chest still against it, hands on the floor.

Part 3 – Ending Flow

Lift and place your right leg back, feet parallel and keep body in the pike position.

Go down onto your knees then sit back into child pose, and hold for a few seconds.

Go back into the pike position, then lower into eight-point pose, and hold for a few seconds.

Glide up into Cobra pose and hold for a few seconds.

Com back up to the pike position and hold for a few seconds.

Walk your feet up into a forward bend, and hold for a few seconds.

Breathe in as you come back up and raise your arms, like you began.

Please be sure to follow along with Wendy on the video!

Dr. Mark Wiley

By Dr. Mark Wiley

Dr. Mark Wiley is an internationally renowned mind-body health practitioner, author, motivational speaker and teacher. He holds doctorates in both Oriental and alternative medicine, has done research in eight countries and has developed a model of health and wellness grounded in a self-directed, self-cure approach. Dr. Wiley has written 14 books and more than 500 articles. He serves on the Health Advisory Boards of several wellness centers and associations while focusing his attention on helping people achieve healthy and balanced lives through his company, Tambuli Media.