Easy Health Digest-January 3, 2020

For decades doctors have preached to us about reducing the amount of salt in our diets to achieve better blood pressure numbers to keep our hearts healthier… Well, according to a new study, there’s another reason to watch your salt intake. And, this time it’s about your brain, instead of your heart…

Easy Health Options


The natural compound that could ward off dementia (and how a high salt diet destroys it) »

For decades doctors have preached to us about reducing the amount of salt in our diets to achieve better blood pressure numbers to keep our hearts healthier… Well, according to a new study, there’s another reason to watch your salt intake. And, this time it’s about your brain, instead of your heart…
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Toenail Fungus Discovery Leaves Doctors Speechless »

Do This Immediately To End Nail Fungus (Try It)…
Click Here To Learn More >>

The kind of coffee that can lower diabetes by 60 percent »

You may have heard that coffee reduces blood sugar problems. In fact, numerous scientific studies have linked higher coffee intake to a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. Now, thanks to a cutting-edge technique, the one type of coffee that can truly give you that diabetes protection has been identified…
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The not-so-beautiful side effect of beauty supplements»

Lots of factors affect the health of your hair, skin and nails… Thyroid issues, hormonal imbalances, medication, aging. But no matter what’s behind your issues, the result is the same: slipping self-confidence. A lot of people turn to beauty supplements. But one could affect the lab work at your next checkup…
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Beyond Bypass and Blood Thinners »

Nobel Prize-winning discovery clears plaque out of your arteries.
Click here to learn more.

10 purple foods that fight cancer, stroke »

In the world of fruits and vegetables, the color purple signifies something special. Any time you’ve got a purple or dark blue fruit or vegetable on the menu, you’re consuming a healthy dose of a special antioxidant-rich plant pigment known as anthocyanin. More »