Easy Health Digest-July 27, 2020

How do you live to 100? Despite what you may have heard, it doesn’t require extreme diets, expensive medical procedures or unusual health rituals. New research shows it may just require two habits that are so simple they may surprise you…

Easy Health Options


2 simple secrets people who live to 100 share »

How do you live to 100? Despite what you may have heard, it doesn’t require extreme diets, expensive medical procedures or unusual health rituals. New research shows it may just require two habits that are so simple they may surprise you…More »

Do THIS 1 hour before bed to pee out stubborn fat »

Studies are showing a tweak to your bedtime ritual can have dramatic effects in shrinking fat tissue when you sleep.

Do THIS before bed to pee out fat tomorrow morning… More »

Has the pandemic changed the way we get fit and lose weight forever? »

Many gyms closed soon after the pandemic started, and though some are now opening, they’re finding their clients aren’t exactly sprinting back. But are Americans turning away from exercise… or just the gym? Turns out the pandemic has spurred us to better reasons to exercise, and better ways… More »

How to stop osteoporosis before your next bone density checkup»

Did you know that one in three adults over the age of 50 who fractures a hip dies within 12 months? It’s scary but true. 50 isn’t even very old. So, how can you keep dangerous fractures out of your future? With this diet, in less than a year’s time… More »

This is the best facemask (especially if you wear glasses) »

As the country starts to open back up, the CDC strongly recommends that everyone wear a face mask when they leave their home. And many local governments and businesses will actually require patrons to wear them. Grab one (or five) of these 95% filtering face masks NOW while supplies last! More »

Lower your blood pressure at every meal »

Diuretics and ACE inhibitors can be effective in treating high blood pressure. But they come with side effects like diarrhea, lightheadedness and muscle cramping. So, what else is a person to do besides eat right and exercise? Add herbs and spices known to naturally lower blood pressure to foods you already eat. More »


Easy Health Digest-July 24, 2020

You have roughly 100,000 miles of blood vessels and veins that make up your arterial superhighway… and much working against them. Your heart, and more, depend on them. Luckily, new research has found a way to make it easier than ever to decrease arterial stiffness and improve blood flow. Just grab a partner and stretch…

Easy Health Options


Passive stretching: The artery ‘workout’ that improves blood flow »

You have roughly 100,000 miles of blood vessels and veins that make up your arterial superhighway… and much working against them. Your heart, and more, depend on them. Luckily, new research has found a way to make it easier than ever to decrease arterial stiffness and improve blood flow. Just grab a partner and stretch…More »

The Vitamin That Can Reverse Your Tingling, Numbness, and Pain »

Scientists in Japan have discovered a natural way to significantly relieve tingling and numbness. This natural breakthrough has been tested in 34 studies and works works by addressing the tingling at its root cause. More »

The cheapest way to keep your immune system strong »

If you’re searching for the best way to stay healthy, whether you’re concerned about COVID-19 right now, prepping for the upcoming double-whammy of the flu/coronavirus season we’ve been warned about or just trying to avoid a summer cold, here’s a cheap science-backed way to protect yourself… More »

9 natural plant remedies for stomach problems»

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Indian Ayurvedic Medicine share the longest and most sophisticated histories of healing with plants, herbs and spices. Have you heard of these nine powerful plants that can spell relief of stomach problems and keep your gut healthy?  More »

Do THIS 1 hour before bed to pee out stubborn fat »

Studies are showing a tweak to your bedtime ritual can have dramatic effects in shrinking fat tissue when you sleep.

Do THIS before bed to pee out fat tomorrow morning… More »

5 ways oatmeal can beat back metabolic syndrome »

Metabolic syndrome sneaks up on people. It might start with your cholesterol. Before you know it, your blood pressure goes up. Next, your doctor is concerned about your blood sugar which is going up with your weight. Before you wake up one day on more medications than you’ve ever taken in all your years, try a daily bowl of oatmeal instead. More »


Easy Health Digest-July 22, 2020

How often do you eat capers? You know, those tiny green balls you see hanging out in your chicken piccata, on top of your salmon lox bagel or in your salad. The answer for most of us is probably not that often. That’s a shame because they’re packed with a potent compound for brain and heart health…

Easy Health Options


2 excellent reasons to go crazy for capers »

How often do you eat capers? You know, those tiny green balls you see hanging out in your chicken piccata, on top of your salmon lox bagel or in your salad. The answer for most of us is probably not that often. That’s a shame because they’re packed with a potent compound for brain and heart health…More »

Do THIS 1 hour before bed to pee out stubborn fat »

Studies are showing a tweak to your bedtime ritual can have dramatic effects in shrinking fat tissue when you sleep. Do THIS before bed to pee out fat tomorrow morning… More »

How to correctly disinfect with wipes during the pandemic »

Using disinfectant wipes to clean the surfaces in your home? You should know there’s more to it than just pulling one out and wiping. Follow these tips to make sure you get the most disinfecting power out of those wipes and avoid these mistakes that could cause harm… More »

How to make workouts seem less tough»

Did you start the year with lofty fitness goals but slip back to your old, sedentary habits? Come January, you may find yourself filled with regret that you let another year slip by. You’ve still got six months — and luckily, the researchers at University of British Columbia found a way to make exercise easier… More »

Digestion, Weight Gain, Fatigue? (Do This) »

Top US doctor swears by this simple “metabolic” cleanse that you can do right in your own home. More »

Is butter back? The truth about saturated fat »

Breaking health news contends that limiting dietary saturated fat does nothing for reducing heart disease events or for heart disease prevention. The study’s conclusions run against the advice of most health authorities, but by sheer numbers alone, it feels pretty compelling… More »


Easy Health Digest-July 21, 2020

You’ve probably heard that omega-3 fatty acids fight inflammation and disease, while omega-6 fatty acids fuel them. But recent research shows this isn’t entirely true. Omega-6 fatty acids from healthy sources aren’t the inflammation-causing boogeymen they’ve been made out to be. In fact, they may even have unique health benefits…

Easy Health Options


The other omega fatty acid that fights cancer, heart disease and diabetes »

You’ve probably heard that omega-3 fatty acids fight inflammation and disease, while omega-6 fatty acids fuel them. But recent research shows this isn’t entirely true. Omega-6 fatty acids from healthy sources aren’t the inflammation-causing boogeymen they’ve been made out to be. In fact, they may even have unique health benefits…More »

If Your Dog Eats Dry Food (Do This Every Day)

America’s favorite veterinarian reveals the one thing every dog owner should do to help them be healthier. More >>

Common ailments that zap your energy »

If you’re feeling like all your energy has been drained, you can barely get out of bed in the morning and struggle to make it through the day, you’re not alone. Lack of energy is a common complaint and can be due to a wide range of issues. Figuring out what’s got you dragging is a challenge. Here are some clues… More »

4 reasons to wash your new clothes before you wear them»

Nothing feels better than stepping out in a brand new outfit. But as great as it feels to rip off the tags and head out the door, there’s one question that’s always plagued me… do I need to wash new clothes before I wear them? More »

This is the best facemask (especially if you wear glasses) »

As the country starts to open back up, the CDC strongly recommends that everyone wear a face mask when they leave their home. And many local governments and businesses will actually require patrons to wear them. Grab one (or five) of these 95% filtering face masks NOW while supplies last! More »

Broken heart syndrome doubles during pandemic — no infection required »

Broken heart syndrome is caused by sudden or unexpected emotional stress, such as the death of a loved one. But other stressors are associated with this condition as well. And according to a recent study, the pandemic has led to a higher than usual number of cases… More »


Easy Health Digest-July 20, 2020

When you have food allergies, you become very good at inspecting labels. That’s because, if you don’t, it could have serious consequences. But what if, despite all your careful label reading, you’re still exposed to a food allergen because it’s not listed on the label? That’s a food allergy sufferer’s worst nightmare. And the FDA’s new food labeling rules are making it more likely…

Easy Health Options


Why the FDA’s new food labeling rules put allergy sufferers at risk »

When you have food allergies, you become very good at inspecting labels. That’s because, if you don’t, it could have serious consequences. But what if, despite all your careful label reading, you’re still exposed to a food allergen because it’s not listed on the label? That’s a food allergy sufferer’s worst nightmare. And the FDA’s new food labeling rules are making it more likely…More »

This makes your poop slide out effortlessly each morning


Stanford researchers have discovered a simple tweak to your breakfast routine which can have a dramatic effect on how often, how easily, and how fully you empty your bowels. See what researchers found out (you’ll be shocked how easy it is)… More »

Self-care tips to bring your blood pressure down »

High blood pressure can stem from a combination of issues. And while your doctor is prescribing medications, far too often other causes get ignored, leaving you with uncontrolled blood pressure problems that even the strongest medicines can’t fully control. Put these blood pressure-reducing interventions to work… More »

5 serious conditions that can make you really thirsty»

Excessive thirst can be a sign of dehydration or overheating. But it can also signal a much more serious health problem. If you’re finding yourself more thirsty than usual, it may have absolutely nothing to do with the summer heat, and everything to do with an underlying condition, like one of these… More »

Duped into ‘Diabetes’? Over 30 million of us have! Truth is you’ve been lied to about this “disease.” »

Your doctor probably won’t tell you that type 2 diabetes is the most preventable of all chronic diseases. Or that using diabetes drugs and insulin will actually INCREASE your risk of death by cardiovascular disease! More »

How to get more from your vitamins »

A lot of doubt is cast on the idea of supplementing nutrition. But what’s truly naïve is believing that today’s food is nutrient-dense enough to keep your body, or any “body,” healthy. All of this makes supplementing vitamins and minerals an important tool if you want to optimize your health. More »


Easy Health Digest-July 17, 2020

Since COVID, many of us are putting off doctor visits unless absolutely necessary. Yet, long before the virus hit, men have had a reputation for avoiding the doctor. That’s why we’ve put together five warning signs that something’s wrong with your health that you should never ignore, just for you guys…

Easy Health Options


5 health warning signs men should never ignore »

Since COVID, many of us are putting off doctor visits unless absolutely necessary. Yet, long before the virus hit, men have had a reputation for avoiding the doctor. That’s why we’ve put together five warning signs that something’s wrong with your health that you should never ignore, just for you guys…More »

The Real Reason You’re Losing Muscle Mass as You Age »

Discover the new breakthrough that can halt and even REVERSE muscle loss — so you can stay strong and independent as you age. Click here now to discover the muscle loss-reversing secret. More »

Why healthy eating isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution »

Food is a powerful tool for optimizing health. But how come some people try a certain diet and experience dramatic results while others barely notice a difference in their weight, health and well-being on the same diet? Luckily, research has us one step closer to figuring out how to make healthy eating work for everyone… More »

Menopause, brain energy and the Alzheimer’s connection women need to know more about»

Most people think menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, memory loss start in the ovaries, when in fact they are neurological symptoms. That’s because estrogen helps produce energy in the brain. As it delines neurons slow down and age quickly. That’s why women need to protect their brains as they age… More »

“Pee leaks” are a real problem and there are real solutions that do not require medication »

If you experience involuntary leakage while sneezing, coughing or laughing you should check out the link below:
Learn the strange upper body stretch that stops bladder leakage… More »

What to eat (and how to supplement) to ward off stroke »

Stroke scares the heck out of just about anybody. But the right antioxidant-rich and anti-inflammatory nutrients can help reduce the development of cerebrovascular disease — which can lead to stroke. Find out how these foods, herbs and nutrients you can supplement can help push your stroke risk far away…  More »


Easy Health Digest-July 16, 2020

Adopting clean-living strategies are commonplace for those of us who realize the health dangers posed by toxins. But while we’ve been focused mostly on toxins and poisons, there’s another threat that deserves your attention, capable of contributing to autoimmune diseases and the underlying inflammation that accelerates the process of chronic illness.

Easy Health Options


Clearing out heavy metals that weigh your health down »

Adopting clean-living strategies are commonplace for those of us who realize the health dangers posed by toxins. But while we’ve been focused mostly on toxins and poisons, there’s another threat that deserves your attention, capable of contributing to autoimmune diseases and the underlying inflammation that accelerates the process of chronic illness.More »

1 Cup tomorrow morning, burns 3lbs of belly fat »

Drinking 1 cup of this delicious hot beverage sets you up to burn more fat than 45 minutes on the treadmill.

Drink 1 cup of this HOT beverage tomorrow morning & burn 3 lbs of belly fat… More »

How to clean your feet to avoid infection, fungus and warts »

When you shower, do you wash your feet? I mean seriously and intently… or do you do as I did and hope all that soap trickling down would do the job? I’m here to tell you it doesn’t. Neglecting to wash your feet properly every day can lead to problems spanning from ugly feet to warts and infection… More »

Overeating? Berries can put you back in control»

We all have times when we overdo it at the dinner table. Unfortunately, overeating regularly causes you to gain weight, increases your risk of chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, cognitive decline and cancer and triggers hormonal changes that make it harder to stop overeating. Luckily, this simple, healthy snack can stop the vicious cycle of overeating… More »

Cardiologist: “I Beg Everyone To Quit 3 Foods” »

World-renowned cardiologist reveals 3 foods that are directly linked to weight gain… More »

Restless legs syndrome: Mild nuisance or serious warning? »

It starts with a throbbing, itching or uncomfortable sensation in the legs and an overwhelming need to move them. Shifting the legs relieves the discomfort temporarily, but the symptoms soon return and sleep is elusive. But relief doesn’t have to be… More »


Easy Health Digest-July 15, 2020

If you haven’t tried chiropractic care yet, you could be missing out. While some dismiss chiropractic care, believing that the only way to find relief is through medical treatments and drugs, scientific studies are proving that chiropractic works! Here are a few conditions getting adjusted could help…

Easy Health Options


Conditions scientifically shown to benefit from chiropractic care »

If you haven’t tried chiropractic care yet, you could be missing out. While some dismiss chiropractic care, believing that the only way to find relief is through medical treatments and drugs, scientific studies are proving that chiropractic works! Here are a few conditions getting adjusted could help…More »

Stuck In A Tired Body All The Time? (Try This) »

Top cardiologist: It’s like giving your body a new “battery”. If nothing has fixed your fatigue, try this at home… More »

The high cholesterol-carb connection »

You probably remember the days when saturated fat was the enemy of people prone to high cholesterol. In fact, you’ll still see many widely respected health institutions advising people with high cholesterol to cut back on the fats. But a lot of recent evidence shows that this advice is outdated. If you really want to lower your cholesterol, you need to focus on carbs instead… More »

Simplest secret to healthier aging starts in your gut»

Far too many of us think that aging means getting weaker and sicker and goes hand-in-hand with poor brain function. But the truth is, those are just symptoms of unhealthy aging. New research by immunologists has just laid the secret to healthier aging at your feet…  More »

115/75 is The New “Normal” »

When did “120/80” become high? What the heck is going on? Plus the #1 secret for healthy blood pressure YOU WILL NEVER HEAR ABOUT — unless you keep reading… More >>

4 symptoms of a blood clot you should never ignore »

Clotting of the blood is a normal bodily function. When things go as planned, blood clots any time there is an injury to a blood vessel. Sometimes, though, the process goes off the rails and dangerous complications can occur. Here’s how to know the signs, and how to minimize your chances of a deadly blood clot… More »


Easy Health Digest-July 14, 2020

Kidney stones may be one of the most painful things you’ll ever experience… many people compare it to giving birth. Arming yourself with ways to dissolve small stones and preventing new stones from forming is so important. Here are the natural options you can use at home…

Easy Health Options


Natural help for passing and preventing kidney stones »

Kidney stones may be one of the most painful things you’ll ever experience… many people compare it to giving birth. Arming yourself with ways to dissolve small stones and preventing new stones from forming is so important. Here are the natural options you can use at home… More »

The #1 trick to RESTORE your hearing (shocking discovery) »

Regardless of the type of hearing loss you have, whether from loud noises, or age-related, there is a NATURAL solution. Discover the #1 trick to REVERSE your hearing loss… More »

5 health-changing reasons to eat arugula »

When most people think of healthy greens, they think of kale or spinach. But have you tried arugula? This peppery-spicy, delicate-looking green can help lower your blood pressure and save you from bone fractures, and that’s just for starters…  More »

The non-health related reason some men are at higher risk of coronavirus»

By now, we all know that age, as well as health problems like diabetes, heart disease and cancer, can put us at high risk of dying from COVID-19. However, a new study found a shocking truth that’s leaving older men at even higher risk of coronavirus. And it has nothing to do with their health. More »

Surgeon Reveals How To Grow Back Thinning Brows »

Beverly Hills surgeon reveals how to get thicker/fuller brows without makeup… More »

Pump up your pear intake for better blood pressure and blood sugar »

Everyone’s always telling you to eat probiotic foods. But once you’ve got that good bacteria in there, you have to feed it the right things to get it to stick around. That’s where prebiotic foods come in. One juicy fruit is perfectly suited to feed the healthy bacteria in your gut in a way that helps lower blood pressure, balances blood sugar and more… More »


Easy Health Digest-July 13, 2020

Your vagus nerve runs from your brain to your gut and controls a long list of automatic body functions. It keeps you breathing and keeps your heart beating. There are things you can do to keep this nervous system “superhighway” functioning optimally.

Easy Health Options


6 ways to hack your vagus nerve and why you should »

Your vagus nerve runs from your brain to your gut and controls a long list of automatic body functions. It keeps you breathing and keeps your heart beating. There are things you can do to keep this nervous system “superhighway” functioning optimally. More »

Can you FLATTEN your stomach in just 2-minutes a day? »

This amazing 2-minute German “medical trick” helped Dan & Sylvie shed up to 1 pound every day. Discover the 2-Minute “Ritual” To Burn Fat (Try THIS Today)… More »

How to lower sleep apnea risk in 20 minutes »

Snoring, waking up gasping for air or with a headache in the morning and feeling tired and irritable are all signs of sleep apnea, a condition that affects more than 29 million Americans. A new study has found an easy way to reduce your risk of sleep apnea in under 20 minutes per day… More »

Hiatal hernia and GERD: Symptoms, treatment and prevention»

Most people who have a hiatal hernia don’t have any symptoms at first. However, a more severe or untreated hiatal hernia will often lead to another condition known as gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. Left untreated, you could be in for quite a few complications… More »

This is the best facemask (especially if you wear glasses) »

As the country starts to open back up, the CDC strongly recommends that everyone wear a face mask when they leave their home. And many local governments and businesses will actually require patrons to wear them. Grab one (or five) of these 95% filtering face masks NOW while supplies last! More »

How red light can restore your after-40 vision »

Your skin, hair and metabolism aren’t the only things that start to show the signs of aging once you hit 40. The cells in your retina do too. And that can cause major vision problems as you get older. But red light could help you protect these critical cells and keep your eagle eyes a bit longer… More »


Easy Health Digest-July 10, 2020

New research into hypertension recently proved that a condition long considered to be an uncommon cause of high blood pressure is actually quite common. The problem? Doctors weren’t testing for it enough and when they did their technique was highly inaccurate. Could this be the cause behind your BP problems?

Easy Health Options


This adrenal hormone may be why you can’t get your BP down »

New research into hypertension recently proved that a condition long considered to be an uncommon cause of high blood pressure is actually quite common. The problem? Doctors weren’t testing for it enough and when they did their technique was highly inaccurate. Could this be the cause behind your BP problems?More »

Nitric oxide levels jump 200% higher in just 20 minutes »

Nobel Prize-winning research reveals the amazing difference increasing your
levels of nitric oxide can make to your heart health and circulation.
Find out how to boost NO the RIGHT way….

More »

The diet shown to help shrink cancer and decrease damage from chemo »

Even with successful cancer treatment, many people suffer toxic damage from the chemotherapy designed to save their lives. But new research has found a diet has the power not only to boost the effectiveness of tumor-shrinking treatments but also to protect cells against the DNA damage caused by chemo… More »

5 Powerful benefits of Manuka honey (slideshow)»

Manuka honey is one of those natural remedies that can easily sound too good to be true. Some say Manuka honey can do everything from healing allergies to lowering cholesterol to fighting cancer. But here are five healing uses of this amazing honey that are scientifically proven… More »

Do THIS 1 hour before bed to pee out
stubborn fat »

Studies are showing a tweak to your bedtime ritual can have dramatic effects in shrinking fat tissue when you sleep. Do THIS before bed to pee out fat tomorrow
morning… More »

Can probiotics protect you against viruses? »

Your gut contains a delicate balance of bacteria that help regulate your immune system. If that balance gets out of whack, it could make you more vulnerable to viral infections, including COVID-19. Researchers believe the right blend of probiotics could restore balance and help protect you from dangerous viral infections… More »


Easy Health Digest-July 8, 2020

Patients and readers often ask me about the risks of soy: Is there a connection to cancer? Can it help hot flashes? And as a cardiologist, I’m probably asked most often… Is soy really beneficial for heart health? Recently, the evidence really swung in soy’s favor…

Easy Health Options


Should you avoid soy — or not? »

Patients and readers often ask me about the risks of soy: Is there a connection to cancer? Can it help hot flashes? And as a cardiologist, I’m probably asked most often… Is soy really beneficial for heart health? Recently, the evidence really swung in soy’s favor…More »

Are you able to mount the defense you need to overcome illness? »

Now more than ever before, you must pamper your immune system.
If you experience daily pain, this may be to blame…
More »

How not to wash away your skin’s natural barrier and cancer protection »

According to research, the way most of us shower could increase our risks for eczema and even skin cancer. Here’s what you need to know about getting clean, plus the only three areas you should soap in the shower… More »

3 antioxidants that provide the best protection from Alzheimer’s»

Once you hit middle age, chronic and degenerative diseases become the biggest threat to your health and longevity. Many of these diseases occur when oxidative stress causes free radicals to attack your cells… including Alzheimer’s. But a few potent antioxidants could protect you from the oxidative stress that puts you at risk for debilitating diseases like Alzheimer’s… More »

Avoid the potential dangers of prescription drug addiction »

Big Pharma is raking in huge profits after addicting millions to dangerous pain pills. Escape their greed and your pain! Discover how the newest and oldest in alternative pain relief methods can help you finally conquer the pain! More »

How acts of kindness could relieve your pain »

Acupuncture, medical marijuana, cognitive behavioral therapy, curcumin and anti-inflammatory diets are all popular, effective options for pain management. But there’s one more natural pain solution I’m willing to bet you’ve never heard about… More »