
Carolyn Gretton

What drinking alcohol on a plane can do to your heart

Maybe you’re traveling for vacation. Maybe for business. Either way, you may not think twice about enjoying a cocktail to unwind, unless you know about the risk that drink carries for your heart that it doesn’t when you’re on the ground…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

When alcohol sets women up for heart disease

Far too many women still believe dangerous myths when it comes to heart disease, like it being an issue that mainly impacts men. The truth is it’s the #1 killer of women in the U.S. And your personal risk can be far higher depending on your drinking habits…

Carolyn Gretton

How alcohol speeds aging (and which drinks are worse)

Anything you can do to slow the body’s biological aging process is a good thing. So if you’re hoping to slow the hands of time by putting a lot of effort into healthy living and nutrients that science shows can help, you may want to consider how alcohol factors in…

Joyce Hollman

7 habits proven to reduce breast cancer recurrence

For a breast cancer survivor, the emotional repercussions are twofold: on the one hand, there’s relief. On the other hand, there’s the fear it can reappear at any time and without warning. These 7 habits can put your mind at ease…

Carolyn Gretton

The sobering truth about alcohol and blood pressure

We’ve all heard the health pros and cons of drinking alcohol, and that the more you drink, the more the cons tend to outweigh the pros. So, as long as you just have one drink a day, you’re okay, right? Not if you want to keep your blood pressure under control…

Joyce Hollman

Moderate drinking’s brain-changing effects on the heart

There’s been a lot of conflicting research on the impacts of alcohol on health. But study after study has linked moderate drinking with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. It has to do with a very small part of the brain that has a big job: processing emotions…