
Carolyn Gretton

Alcohol and aging add up to accelerated muscle loss

There’s a lot of conflicting information as to whether moderate drinking can impact health in a good way or if it’s all bad. But one thing most researchers agree on is that crossing the line can lead to heart problems, dementia, cancer — and this scourge of aging…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Wine vs beer: One of these carries a higher stroke risk

Although it’s long been known that heavy drinking can significantly raise the risk of stroke, little research has looked at the effects of moderate to low consumption to determine if there really is any safe level. That’s all changed thanks to a worldwide study that gives us new insight…

Carolyn Gretton

Why avoiding alcohol entirely may be bad for the brain

With dementia on the rise, experts are looking closer at known risk factors that lead to the devastating illness. One, alcohol use, has been hotly debated. Some studies say it harms, while others were not so clear. International research including almost 25,000 participants may finally have the answer…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The promising mushroom treatment for alcohol dependency

Psilocybin, an active compound in magic mushrooms, has shown promise in treating anxiety and depression thanks to its power to enhance well-being and create change in areas of the brain. Now it may lend a hand to those who need it to give up addiction…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Wine or beer: which is safer for your heart?

AFib is a condition that causes heart palpatations and carries a higher risk of stroke or heart failure. If you have AFib, drinking alcohol is a big no-no. And drinking too much can cause the condition to develop. But if becoming a teetotaler is not on your bucket list, research says all alcohol is not created equally.

Joyce Hollman

The heart condition you can get from one episode of heavy drinking

A drink with dinner — no big deal. What about two or three beers? If you’ve had enough to drink that you get a hangover the next morning, you’re setting yourself up for a potentially fatal heart problem, even if you’ve never had heart issues before.