Alkaline Diet

Margaret Cantwell

4 ways sparkling water supports weight loss

If you’ve been trying to lose weight, you’ve probably heard the chatter that sparkling water, AKA fizzy water and, technically, carbonated water, can level up a fat-burning metabolism. Just what are the facts? Here are 4 of them…

Carolyn Gretton

Barrett’s esophagus: The GERD and cancer connection

Barrett’s esophagus may seem like a benign condition. After all, it has few symptoms. But in actuality, signs of other conditions can mean it’s not far behind, nor is the risk for a type of cancer on the rise among people over 65. Here’s what to change now…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The disease-fueling denominator 6 in 10 Americans share

The idea of a healthy diet has been based on older dietary measures that steer us towards food groups or specific macronutrients. But it’s the effect of food inside the body that’s the common denominator fueling disease…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Common medications that increase migraine risk by 70%

Migraines are like headaches on steroids. Bigger and badder, and typically require serious medication. But ironically, some medications for another very common condition can give anyone up to a 70 percent greater chance of suffering migraine.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Anti-inflammatory diet slashed dementia 31% in high-risk group

Inflammation can lead to problems in specific areas, like the brain. That’s why people with a cardiometabolic disease have higher odds of dementia. But research proved the power of diet to not only take down inflammation but substantially reduce dementia risk.

Joyce Hollman

The common denominator between osteoporosis and short telomeres

Research has found a direct connection between the way our chromosomes age and the development of osteoporosis. By tackling a common denominator, not only can we age slower and healthier, but support long telomeres for longer life…