
Joyce Hollman

Alzheimer’s drug’s accelerated approval leads to deadly stroke

Ever hear the expression, “out of the frying pan, into the fire”? In healthcare, that expression could apply when a drug meant to treat a disease carries side effects far worse than the disease itself. That’s exactly the case with a newly approved drug for Alzheimer’s…

Carolyn Gretton

The ‘every day’ nutrient that takes down the Alzheimer’s gene

It’s unsettling to get news you carry the Alzheimer’s gene. But even though it may raise your risk of cognitive decline, there are ways to offset it. One of them is a nutrient you already eat every day, and if you eat more, you can lower that risk by 30 percent…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Significant sign of cellular aging linked to Alzheimer’s

It’s a given that short telomeres accelerate aging. But after decades of research into plaques and tangles as hallmarks of Alzheimer’s, new insights show those tiny caps at the end of our DNA strands also affect brain structure, and why we need to keep them longer as long as possible…

Joyce Hollman

Old diabetes drug with a dangerous past may treat Alzheimer’s

Ever hear the expression, “out of the frying pan, into the fire”? It means going from a bad situation to one that may be even worse. Like taking a drug linked to heart issues, bladder cancer and liver toxicity and giving it new life as an Alzheimer’s treatment.

Joyce Hollman

Worried about Alzheimer’s, cholesterol and blood pressure? There’s a tea for that

Drinking tea warms the soul. I find it one of the most soothing things I do for myself. What’s even better? Knowing this guilty pleasure has lots of researched benefits—many among the biggest health issues we face today.

Joyce Hollman

The ‘causal link’ to Alzheimer’s you can break

Research relies on different types of studies. Some are “observational,” where researchers observe the effect of a risk factor. Then there are the ones we get really excited about. These identify an actual causal factor that, if avoided, can greatly cut your risk of something like Alzheimer’s…