
Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Break the feedback loop that fuels pain

Pain is often poorly understood until you realize that pain, depression and anxiety are frequent fellow travelers, thanks to a bi-directional feedback loop. If you only seek treatment for what’s happening in your muscles, joints and nerves, it could be a painful journey…

Joyce Hollman

The vitamin that reduced atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation or AFib causes an irregular heartbeat. When blood pools in the atria (top chamber) of the heart, stroke risk increases. AFib is not the same as heart palpitations. Here’s how to tell the difference and the vitamin that may keep the condition at bay…

Joyce Hollman

Exercise relieves depression better than medication

Besides a long list of side effects, antidepressants don’t always work, have been linked to dementia and cause weight gain. But according to a comprehensive review, there’s a free solution that works better than medication and the only ‘side effects’ are health and happiness…

Joyce Hollman

Aspartame: The artificial sweetener linked to anxiety

Did you know that aspartame is responsible for generating 75 percent of consumer reports on adverse reactions to artificial sweeteners? It’s been linked to heart attack, stroke and kidney damage for starters. The latest? Multi-generational anxiety…

Joyce Hollman

Anticipatory stress: How worry over politics is harmful

Studies show stress affects physical health. But not just stress in the moment. Anticipatory stress is stress you’re anticipating, and politics is a big trigger. If this sound like you, there are a couple of ways to manage it and avoid the harmful effects…

Joyce Hollman

Brain imaging shows common supplement’s impact on depression

The gut plays a major role in the production of neurotransmitters and chemicals that influence the immune system, metabolic functions and even the brain. And by looking at brain changes, researchers know just how important the gut is in helping to fight symptoms of depression.