Back Pain

Rick Kaselj

Ageless backs: Maintaining a strong and supple spine after 50

Who says you can’t have good times after 50? With a healthy body and a strong spine, the sky’s the limit. But if yours isn’t as supple and strong as it should be we’ve got age-friendly exercises and supplements to get your vitality back…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Safety and effectiveness of drugs for back pain up for grabs

When your doctor prescribes drugs for your low back pain, he’s working with what he’s got. But whether analgesic medicine provides meaningful relief is still an open question, a new study has found. You may be surprised at what may work better…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Common drug for back pain found to offer nothing but side effects

If you’re one of the 80 percent of people who suffers from low back pain at one point or another, there’s something that you need to know before you see your doctor: the prescription they want to give you probably won’t work. Even worse, while it does little to nothing for your pain, the drug could lead to problematic or even dangerous side effects…

Joyce Hollman

6 silent heart attack symptoms lucky survivors missed

Last month, my friend Jeff felt a strange heaviness in his upper arms. It wasn’t from exercise and it wasn’t painful, just strange. He called his doctor, who suggested a trip to the ER. Jeff was having a heart attack. What would you have done if you were Jeff?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

A chiropractor’s tips to avoid back and neck pain when working from home

Working from home has its perks: no more rush hour commute and who doesn’t love taking Zoom meetings in pajama bottoms? But it also comes with some downsides — like back and neck pain if your home office setup isn’t supporting you properly. From your neck down, here are seven tips straight from your resident chiropractor.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The prescription pain pills your body builds antibodies to

Low back pain is not only the leading cause of chronic pain and disability in adults, but it also tops the chart when it comes to opioid prescriptions. For many reasons, treatment with opioids is far from the best approach. Now there’s one more reason to find a better solution for pain management: opioid antibodies created by your own immune system.