Blood Pressure Support

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Is fitness enough to save a man’s heart from high blood pressure?

Hypertension is a risk factor for heart attack, stroke and premature death. For years, we’ve been told exercise can help. In some analyses, exercise was as effective as drugs. But a 29-year study came to a surprising conclusion about exercise, blood pressure and man’s risks for heart trouble…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Losing weight and gaining it back still benefits the heart

Losing weight and then putting it back on is something most of us can relate to. But don’t get too down on yourself. If improving heart health is your goal, you may be surprised to find how long even temporary weight loss does a heart good…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Using microbes to shrink your waist and cardio risks

Live microbes, and not just probiotics, from food have finally gotten the credit they deserve: the first real-world evidence that consuming more of them could be the easiest way to not only shrink your waist and BMI, but take down a whole host of health complications with them…

Joyce Hollman

5 health-based benefits of kindness

Being kind to others feels good. But the benefits extend even further than that. Science shows acts of kindness have real effects that impact physical health, from depression to heart health. Check out these 5 you can get more of…

Carolyn Gretton

10-minute test helps detect ‘curable’ hypertension

Is your doctor overlooking the most curable cause of high blood pressure? Nodules affect one-in-twenty people with the condition. Researchers found that a urine test and new scan help detect patients who come off all their medicines after treatment.

Margaret Cantwell

I gave up ONE food and my high BP vanished

I still remember the last visit with the doctor I saw for my blood pressure problems. She took my blood pressure and then matter-of-factly told me: “I guess your high blood pressure is gone.” And I was taking exactly zero medication. She didn’t know why, but I did. I had given up…