Blood sugar

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How breast cancer and diabetes feed off each other

As scientists will say, just because there seems to be a link doesn’t mean there is, especially without proof. But now, when it comes to diabetes and breast cancer, they’ve got the proof connecting cancer’s sweet tooth and a dangerous feedback loop…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Quantified: How much type 2 diabetes ages the brain

Type 2 diabetes doesn’t just spell problems for your blood sugar. It acts as a gateway disease in many respects. And while there have been concerns about its connection to cognitive decline for a while, you may be surprised to learn how much diabetes ages the brain…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Water fasting: Its impact on type 2 diabetes and more

Dramatic improvement for type 2 diabetes is just the tip of the iceberg for what may be possible to achieve with water fasting. But it shouldn’t be approached lightly. If you’ve considered it, here’s what you should know…

Carolyn Gretton

Alzheimer’s in your future? Cholesterol and blood sugar at 35 hold clues

You may have heard the expression “that’s a problem for future me.” You may have even said it yourself. But when it comes to health, that can be dangerous. In fact, recent research shows that certain health decisions you make in your younger years can elevate your Alzheimer’s risk later in life…

Jedha Dening

Aloe vera: The fat-burning blood sugar balancer

If you’re looking for something to turn your metabolism around, think aloe vera. The thought may conjure up memories of slathering it on sunburns, and while it’s true it’s great for your skin, it’s also considered a ‘functional food’ — meaning it provides health benefits, particularly for metabolic syndrome.

Carolyn Gretton

The ‘weight optional’ diet that lowers cholesterol and blood sugar

Your doctor says you’ve got to lower your cholesterol and blood sugar. Of course, he also says to do that, you’ve got to lose weight, and you’ve found that hard. No worries. Meet the diet that gives you these benefits and more, with or without the weight loss…