
Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Spring into heart health: A cardiologist’s list of the season’s best

Spring is the season of renewal and the perfect time to renew your commitment to heart health starting with food. With so much to choose from, how do you pick the most heart-healthy? Here’s my list…

Joyce Hollman

The berry powerful enough to treat bowel inflammation

If you follow nutritional health like I do, you know one superfood stands out study after study. Now researchers are calling it a natural therapeutic agent for intestinal health. That’s because it goes after the root of conditions like colitis and more…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The berry boost for a better brain and blood pressure over 65

As you age, you probably tend to worry about the health of two of your most important organs — your brain and your heart. That’s why we’re urged to exercise and eat right. But what if you’re over 65, is it too late? Not for a berry boost…

Joyce Hollman

Daily blueberry powder changed brains in just 6 months

The particular phytochemical compounds blueberries contain, known as anthocyanins, have been shown to decrease dementia risk and increase blood flow to the brain. But you can imagine how excited researchers were to see changes in just 6 months — and they weren’t even fresh berries!

Joyce Hollman

Move over, blueberries: Strawberries are the new superfruit for your brain

You can’t open an app these days without reading about the superfood status of blueberries. But what if you’re not a fan of that tiny bitter berry? Good news! Here’s why the strawberry is fast rising to the status of superfruit…

Joyce Hollman

How blueberries keep your blood pressure (and more!) in check

If you’re not already eating blueberries daily, let me remind you: They have a solid superfood reputation for not just one good reason, but several. If you need convincing, I’ll lay out multiple ways this one tiny fruit is the best thing you can eat for a healthy heart…