
Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Toxic metals linked to coronary artery calcium

While it’s important to focus on traditional risk factors for heart disease, it’s crucial to recognize there are factors beyond diet, genetics and lack of exercise causing our arteries to slowly harden…

Joyce Hollman

High urine levels of cadmium linked to endometriosis

Cadmium is a toxic heavy metal that is of no use to the human body. It’s a carcinogen, affects blood pressure and induces bone damage. And it’s difficult to avoid. But a large study just found another good reason why women especially should try hard to…

Carolyn Gretton

Experts blame 3 heavy metals for increasing heart disease risk

At least 9 million deaths worldwide each year are caused by pollution. And more than 60 percent of those deaths are linked to cardiovascular diseases. With numbers like these, researchers are working to identify the worse offenders and they’ve come up with three to watch out for…

Joyce Hollman

Lead and cadmium: The ‘dark side’ of dark chocolate

Some dark chocolate brands, even organic ones, have been found to contain dangerous amounts of cadmium and lead, heavy metals linked to hypertension, kidney failure, nerve damage and more. Take precautions if your favorite is on the list.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

How a common heavy metal can make pneumonia, flu and COVID-19 more severe

Since the pandemic began, we’ve been asking questions: Who will it strike? Why do some people suffer a severe case or loss of life? And most urgently, how can we stay healthy? Now, we learn that a heavy metal we’re commonly exposed to could cause not just COVID, but pneumonia and flu infection to escalate… […]