
Joyce Hollman

The good and the bad: Drinks that impact stroke risk

Strokes seem to strike from nowhere. But in truth the risk of having one doubles every 10 years after age 55. Bad habits take it higher. But all of us know someone seemingly hit by one out of left field. Or was it? It could have been their favorite beverage.

Carolyn Gretton

Move over coffee: Tea lowers dementia risk too

We’ve known for a while that coffee has loads of health benefits, especially for the brain. But what about tea? Well, it’s time for tea lovers to celebrate, because their beverage of choice looks to be just as good for the brain as that cup of joe…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Coffee: The cardiometabolic disease crusher that lowers heart disease, diabetes and stroke

Loads of research has stacked evidence of coffee’s health benefits. But it gets better. Beyond the heart, it slays a cluster of conditions, even in early stages, to crush what’s now known as cardiometabolic disease, and it just takes this much…

Joyce Hollman

The drink that encourages bone growth and blocks bone loss

A Chinese medicinal herb has been shown to not only block bone loss, but encourage bone growth. That’s great news for anyone with osteoporosis. Even better, the active compound responsible for that phenomenal bone support is also found in coffee beans…

Joyce Hollman

Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Prevention found in coffee grounds

Caffeic acid is a component of coffee, and a growing body of research indicates it may be responsible for many of the health benefits on coffee’s growing list. The biggest are due to its unique ability to cross the blood-brain barrier that make it a powerful preventive measure…

Carolyn Gretton

Drink away the risk of age-related muscle loss

Research is learning more about the cellular hallmarks of aging — those that happen at a level we don’t see, but can sneak up and pull the rug out from under your feet. One of those is sarcopenia which can leave you frail and dependant, unless you drink a daily dose of trigonelline…