Colon Support

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

7 simple ways to beat belly bloat

If your waistband is feeling extra snug, don’t blame your dryer. More than likely, your stomach is to blame, thanks to eating habits and the digestive problems that they bring.

Jedha Dening

6 ways to beat constipation for good

Constipation… If you’re an unlucky sufferer, it can be a real strain, a real pain, and a real concern and worry. Try implementing the following natural everyday strategies to help eliminate your constipation and keep things moving for good…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

7 sneaky medications that make you constipated

Constipation can be caused by many things, though most people never suspect the medicines they are taking. But, it turns out that there are seven sneaky medications you could be taking right now that could be making your restroom trips more troublesome than they should be.

Jenny Smiechowski

You’re not ‘stuck’ with constipation if you try this

Constipation is a serious matter. When you’re constipated, your body is bogged down with extra wastes it should be releasing. And that puts you at risk for health problems like hemorrhoids, incontinence, rectal prolapse, diverticulosis and colon cancer. But for some it’s a chronic problem…

Dr. Brad Cutler

The 4 ‘R’s to building a healthy gut

If you compare your body to a 7 story building, a healthy gut is the first floor or foundation. Without a proper and strong foundation, all other floors of this building may come crashing down.

Dr. Mark Wiley

4 ways to conquer constipation

A sluggish bowel is something to be on the lookout for so you can stave off worsening symptoms that could zap your energy or worse. Here’s how to keep things moving along, naturally and safely…